Community Spotlight

San Francisco launches new digital equity plan for older adults & people with disabilities.

Kudos to the SF Tech Council and a broad-based coalition of partners for developing a new digital equity plan for older adults and people with disabilities. The Digital Equity Plan for Older Adults and Adults with Disabilities in San Francisco . These include enhancing internet infrastructure and accessibility, developing a robust device ecosystem, investing in digital literacy and support, ensuring inclusion in design and access, raising awareness, fostering collaboration and partnerships, and securing sustainable funding for ongoing efforts.

To learn more, please go here.

If you would like to uplift and highlight your work to close the digital divide and foster digital equity, please submit story ideas to

Broadband for All Update

The third 2024 California Broadband Council met July 23, at the California Environmental Protection Agency (CalEPA) and online via Zoom.

The CDT, California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), and California Emerging Technology Fund (CETF) provided updates on the Broadband for All Action Plan implementation, the Middle- and Last-Mile programs, the Statewide Broadband Adoption and Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) mobilization effort, and the State Digital Equity Plan (SDEP) and Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) programs. 

Find the meeting’s recording, presentation, and minutes here.

Middle-Mile Broadband Initiative Update

2024-25 Budgetary Outcomes

The MMBI preserved its base funding level of $3.873 billion, which CDT believes to be sufficient to build out the approximately 8,000 miles that reach specified Federal Funding Account (FFA) grant locations. MMBI did not secure the additional $1.5 billion of state funds to build out the broader approximate 10,000-mile network. For additional information on the revised map, refer to the Map Update Log.

Stakeholder Engagement

CDT invites potential Middle-Mile Broadband Network (MMBN) customers such as local governments, Internet Service Providers (ISPs), and anchor institutions to participate in the MMBI Market Research Customer Survey and share their middle-mile broadband needs. Click here to access the survey.

Tribal Policy Meetings 

The MMBI team is working with the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) to conduct one-on- one meetings with tribes and present a policy for Tribal Land Right-of-Way in exchange for a baseline offer from the MMBN. So far, 11 tribes have met with CDT to explore this policy. Additionally, the MMBI team attended the Joint Federal-State Workshop and Tribal Consultations on July 9 to discuss permitting and right-of-way challenges for utility infrastructure with various tribes. 

Middle Mile Advisory Committee Meeting 

On July 19, the Q3 Middle Mile Advisory Committee (MMAC) meeting was held in person at the CalEPA building in Sacramento and on Zoom. The committee heard the latest updates on the MMBI program and perspectives from the MMBI stakeholders. The recordings, transcripts, and slides will be available on the MMBI website in the coming weeks. Next MMAC Meeting: Friday, October 18, at 10 a.m.

MMBI Stakeholder Meeting 

On July 26, MMBI held its third virtual Stakeholder Meeting. These meetings are specially designed for stakeholders and partners to get project updates and ask questions.

Installation Updates  

The installation of the network continues to progress across the state. The MMBN is rapidly advancing on a series of milestones. Over the next three months the network is anticipating 21 new groundbreakings for 618 miles of fiber and/or conduit installation. Here is the breakdown of updates for July:

Caltrans Construction Highlights

  • Installation began a 9-mile segment along SR 28 in Placer County in July.
  • Caltrans total construction was revised to 770 miles in the recent MMBN map.

Joint Build & Lease Highlights 

CDT’s joint build with Lumen Technologies, which covers over 1,800 miles across 20 different segments in California, began installation on the following segments in 2024:

  • 45-mile segment from San Francisco to San Jose County in late May
  • 199-mile segment from San Jose to San Luis Obispo County in late June
  • 85-mile segment from Oakland to Sacramento County in July
  • 4-mile segment from Santee to Lakeside County in July

In July, MMBI welcomed a new Lease Partner, Yurok Telecommunications Corporation (YTEL). YTEL, a tribally owned telecommunication company that serves the Yurok Tribe in Northern California, will lease approximately 47 miles of broadband infrastructure to the State spanning from Orick to Crescent City. This partnership will allow MMBI to serve the Yurok Tribe community and extend the network’s reach north to additional communities.

Last Mile Program Update

Federal Funding Account Updates

The CPUC is announcing awards and proposed awards for last-mile broadband projects as part of the $2 billion Last Mile Federal Funding Account Grant Program. The program expands high-speed internet access for unserved communities throughout California, highlighting the state’s commitment to bridging the digital divide through Broadband for All.

As of July 11, the CPUC has awarded $105.3 million in funding for 14 projects in 6 counties: Alameda, San Francisco, Sierra, Imperial, Lassen, and Plumas. Additional project awards of $238.5 million for 22 projects may be considered at CPUC’s August 22 voting meeting in the 11 counties of Alpine, Modoc, Mono, Nevada, Placer, Riverside, Sacramento, Santa Barbara, San Bernardino, San Mateo, and Tulare.

Last-mile broadband infrastructure award recommendations and decisions will continue to be released for public comment approximately every two to three weeks through the end of 2024. Information on awards and proposed awards is available on the CPUC’s Federal Funding Account Recommendations and Awards webpage.

Sign up for Federal Funding Account program updates here, and for the “California Advanced Services Fund (CASF) Distribution List” here to receive notices about proposed grant awards. 

Loan Loss Reserve Fund

The 2024 budget specified $50 million dollars for the Loan Loss Reserve Fund program to be awarded before December 31, 2024.

The Loan Loss Reserve Fund received more than 38 applications for over $451 million in the first application window that closed on April 9. The program provides credit enhancements that support local governments, tribes, and non-profits to fund broadband infrastructure projects. The program enables more favorable borrowing rates for bonds, loans, and letters of credit.

Visit the Loan Loss Reserve Fund webpage for additional information and to subscribe to announcements. 

California Advanced Services Fund Updates

Broadband Public Housing Account

The CASF Broadband Public Housing Account provides grants supporting free broadband for low-income residents of eligible housing communities. On June 18, the CPUC approved $334,775 to three grantees for seven projects. On June 20, the CPUC also adopted Resolution T-17824, which approved six additional public housing infrastructure projects for $596,315.97. 

For the July 1 application cycle, the CPUC received 36 applications for a total request of over $2.78 million. Please refer to the Broadband Public Housing Account webpage here for application instructions and materials per Decision (D.) 24-03-021, information about program eligibility requirements and the application process.  

Tribal Technical Assistance Grants

The Tribal Technical Assistance Grant Program provides grants to California tribes for eligible pre-construction work that enables broadband internet connectivity. Tribes may receive up to $250,000 each fiscal year to fund activities including market studies and feasibility studies, and business plans. Applications are accepted four times a year by the 1st of January, April, July, and October. Find out more about the program here. For the July 1 application cycle, the CPUC received 1 application for $150,000. The next round of applications should be submitted on or before October 1, 2024.

Broadband Infrastructure Grants

The CASF Broadband Infrastructure Grant Program subsidizes the cost of middle-mile and last-mile infrastructure to expand the State’s broadband network for unserved areas. On June 20, the CPUC approved three broadband infrastructure awards for approximately $40 million to serve over 2,000 households which are described in Resolution T-17817Resolution T-17821, and Resolution T-17823. This year’s application deadline has yet to be announced. Learn more about the Infrastructure Grant Account on the website and subscribe for program updates by joining the CASF Distribution List here.

Broadband Adoption Grants

The CASF Broadband Adoption Account provides grants to eligible applicants to increase publicly available or after-school broadband access and digital inclusion, such as grants for digital literacy training programs and public education to communities with limited broadband adoption. On May 7, the CPUC approved $3.5 million for 36 digital inclusion grants to 14 grantees, and on June 12, the CPUC approved $1.4 million for 12 digital inclusion grants to one grantee. On June 20, the CPUC also adopted T-17819, which approved $1.3 million for three additional grants for digital literacy projects to two grantees. Collectively, these projects will provide digital literacy training to 13,840 participants, broadband access to 11,190 participants, and increase broadband access and digital inclusion in low-income, disadvantaged communities, and other communities facing socioeconomic barriers to broadband adoption.

For the July 1 application cycle, the CPUC received 68 applications for a total request of over $12.75 million. Learn more about the Broadband Adoption Account and announcements on past awards on the website

CPUC Broadband Caseworkers 

The CPUC’s Broadband Caseworkers engage with rural, urban, and tribal communities throughout California as they pursue solutions to close the digital divide. Caseworkers share expertise and help entities navigate funding opportunities, technical assistance needs, and related broadband development topics. The Broadband Caseworker website provides a collection of resources. Questions may be directed to the team at

Broadband Adoption Update

Reminder: FCC Consumer Protections and Informal Complaint Process post-ACP

Find more information on the FCC’s ACP Consumer Protections and Informal Complaint Process to support households previously enrolled in the ACP. These households are encouraged to file a consumer complaint to share their experiences and contribute to federal enforcement and consumer protection efforts on a national scale. The data received from the complaints will also be used to inform the FCC on trends and track issues that matter most to consumers, including internet affordability. 

Below are some helpful links:

Low-Cost Offer Finder

To promote broadband affordability, CDT provides the low-cost offer finder tool with information from EveryoneOn and CETF, as a public service to California residents. The information and services provided help Californians find programs in their areas that offer low-cost internet services, computer equipment, and digital skills training. 

Digital Equity and Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Updates

SDEP and Capacity Grant Program Stakeholder Briefing Recap

On July 30, CDT held a stakeholder briefing to further discuss feedback and input from the SDEP Implementation and Capacity Grant Program Design Questionnaire released in June. CDT also provided information about the NTIA Digital Equity Competitive Grant NOFO that was released on July 24. Thank you to all who participated in this rich and informative conversation. If you missed the briefing, the meeting’s materials can be found here.

Register here to join the next stakeholder briefing on August 26 from 2:30 pm to 4:00 pm. CDT appreciates the ongoing engagement and collaboration!

BEAD Updates

California was awarded $1.86 billion in federal BEAD funding to build infrastructure and expand internet access in rural and historically underserved communities. The BEAD program is being implemented in California by the CPUC.

The BEAD Challenge Process allows stakeholders to challenge the existing broadband map and enables the state to submit the most updated and accurate location data for the National Telecommunication and Information Administration’s approval. The Challenge Process is critical to ensuring that the National Broadband Map used to determine BEAD funding eligibility accurately reflects California broadband access and availability by identifying if a broadband serviceable location should or should not be designated as served, unserved, or underserved.

California’s 120-day Challenge Process is currently underway. The initial 30-day Challenge Phase started on July 8 and concludes on August 6 at 11:59 p.m. PST. Individuals can submit evidence through August 6 using the BEAD Consumer Challenge Website. That evidence will be available to permissible challengers who registered in the Challenge Portal to accept and submit challenges on individuals’ behalf.

The Rebuttal Phase will open for 30 days on August 21, 2024, to allow challenged Service Providers to provide counterevidence to rebut challenged locations. It concludes on September 19, 2024.

The CPUC has partnered with to provide the BEAD Challenge Portal for permissible challengers (local and tribal governments, nonprofits, and broadband service providers). Visit the Challenge Portal to submit a registration request. Registration will remain open through the Rebuttal Phase to allow challenged Service Providers to register to rebut challenged locations. For technical assistance with the Portal, contact  

Learn more about the BEAD Challenge Process here and visit the BEAD webpage for general information and to subscribe to email updates. Information and registration links for BEAD webinars and office hours are available on the BEAD Events page, as well as recordings and presentations from past events.

NTIA Announcement

Reminder: The NTIA Digital Equity Competitive Grant program is open for applications

On July 24, the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) announced a nearly $1 billion Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO), which will support digital equity and inclusion efforts among those most impacted by the digital divide.

Visit the NTIA’s website to learn more about eligibility.

Interested applicants should review the NOFO and Application Resources section on the NTIA website. Together, let’s bring funds home to California and close the digital divide!

Upcoming Events

**Find materials from past events [here]

Monday, August 26, 20242:30 – 4:00 pmSDEP & Digital Equity Capacity Grant Program Stakeholder Briefing
Wednesday, September 4, 202411:00 – 12:00 p.m.Middle-Mile Advisory Committee Meeting
October 18, 2024
10:00 -11:30 a.m.California Broadband Council Meeting (Hybrid)
October 22, 2024
9:30 -11:30 a.m.California Broadband Council Meeting (Hybrid)

Job Opportunities

California Department of Technology 

CDT is hiring across many teams to support Broadband for AllApply using the link below. 

Keep an eye on CDT Broadband job postings and CPUC job postings. Visit CalCareers  for more information and to apply for open positions.