
Information about State of California broadband meetings and events, including:

  • California Broadband Council Meetings
  • Middle-Mile Advisory Committee Meetings
  • Broadband for All Roundtables
  • State Digital Equity Planning Events
  • Past Events

California Broadband Council

The California Broadband Council (CBC) was established by SB 1462 (Chapter 338, Statutes of 2010) to promote broadband deployment in unserved and underserved areas of the state as defined by the Public Utilities Commission, and broadband adoption throughout the state.

Upcoming Meetings

CBC (Hybrid)
Friday, April 25, 2025
9:30am – 11:30am

Location: CoveredCA – Tahoe Boardroom (1601 Exposition Blvd, Sacramento, Ca, 95815)

Middle Mile Advisory Committee

The Middle-Mile Advisory Committee (MMAC) monitors the development and construction of the Middle-Mile Broadband Initiative (MMBI). The MMBI will provide equitable access to high-speed broadband service and prioritize inclusion of unserved and underserved populations, anchor institutions, tribal entities and agricultural regions.

Upcoming Meetings

MMAC (Hybrid)
Friday, April 18, 2025

Location: Sacramento County Administration Center 700 H St., 1st Floor, Sacramento, CA 95814

Broadband for All Roundtables

The purpose of the Broadband for All Roundtables is to foster meaningful partnerships and establish bi-directional dialog with entities committed to closing California’s digital divide. These roundtables will include updates on the implementation of the State’s Broadband for All initiatives and other digital equity initiatives.

State Digital Equity Plan (SDEP) and Digital Equity Capacity Grant Program Events

California’s State Digital Equity Plan (SDEP) is building a California for All where broadband is accessible, affordable, and reliable for all Californians. 

The State of California completed an extensive, months-long engagement and planning effort with more than 50,000 state residents, partners, and stakeholders to identify digital equity barriers for covered populations and recommended solutions based on community and lived experience. The feedback and input obtained from this process is being analyzed and will inform the State’s Digital Equity and BEAD (Broadband Equity Access and Deployment) Plans that will represent California’s rich population diversity. 

Upcoming Meetings

SDEP Implementation & DECG Program Design Stakeholder Briefing (Virtual)
Wednesday, February 26, 2025 | 2:00 – 3:00 p.m.

Middle-Mile Advisory Council Meeting (Hybrid)
Friday, April 18, 2025 Sacramento County Administration Center 700 H St., 1st Floor, Sacramento, CA 95814
10:00 -11:30 a.m.

California Broadband Council Meeting (Hybrid)
Friday, April 25, 2025 Covered CA 1601 Exposition Blvd, Sacramento, CA 95815
9:30 – 11:30 a.m.

Past Meetings

Statewide Planning Group Meetings

As part of the State Digital Equity Planning Process, the Statewide Planning Group (SPG) advised CDT and provided input on planning activities and final components of the Digital Equity Plan.

The California Department of Technology (CDT) developed a Statewide Digital Equity Planning Group to advise CDT on the statewide digital equity planning process. The SPG consists of twenty-two state entities, including member entities of the California Broadband Council and additional organizations with direct connections to covered populations and those with subject matter expertise tied to key policy outcome areas.

Statewide Planning Group Meetings were open public meetings and given public notice in advance of each meeting. Past meetings materials are uploaded here

Outcome Area Working Group

The State developed six Outcome Area Working Groups (OAWG) to convene subject matter experts and practitioners to develop strategies that align with state policy priorities, through the lens of the digital equity barriers of the covered populations. The Outcome Area Working Groups focused on Education, Healthcare, Digital Inclusion, Workforce and Economic Development, Essential Services, Accessibility, and Civic Engagement, and Tribal Collaboration. Each working group conducted four meetings and collectively attended by over 2,600 residents and subject matter experts.

More information is available about the working groups’ insights and strategies here.

Broadband for All Digital Equity and BEAD Planning Regional-Local Workshops

The State of California partnered with regional broadband consortia and other local entities to host 17 Broadband for All, Digital Equity, and Broadband Equity, Access and Deployment Program (BEAD) Regional Planning Workshops and three Regional Tribal Consultations in every economic region across the state. These historic working sessions brought together over 2,200 residents and leaders from diverse backgrounds to identify digital equity barriers for covered populations and recommend strategies to close the digital divide.

More about these dynamic workshops and the impactful discussions and outcomes they delivered can be found here.

Broadband for All, Digital Equity, and BEAD Tribal Consultations

The State of California is committed to honoring Tribal sovereignty and supporting Tribal Governments in closing the digital divide in Indian Country. California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) and the California Department of Technology (CDT) requested an opportunity to formally consult with California Tribal Governments to inform the development of the Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Program and the Digital Equity Plan for our state.

See the official Dear Tribal Leader Letter from CPUC and CDT. As of June 28, 2023, we have hosted 3 Regional Tribal Consultation in Redding, Porterville, and El Cajon, and one virtual Statewide Consultation. 

View the agenda for all three in-person Tribal Consultations. Please note that the events were dedicated to Tribal Chairpersons and other Tribal Officials. Materials shared during the Consultations can be found here.