Middle-Mile Broadband Initiative Update

State Makes Progress in Moving Towards Construction of Middle-Mile Broadband Initiative Network

California continues to make progress in moving from planning to implementation of the MMBI network. Caltrans recently signed 5 regional contracts for construction of up to 5,200 miles of the MMBI network. These contracts use the Job Order Contracting (JOC) authority provided by the Legislature in SB 156 and allow for early mobilization of equipment and staff. As Caltrans completes preconstruction work such as permitting and design on segments of the MMBI network, these segments can be moved to construction.
Read more here.

CDT and Caltrans Ink Letter of Intent with Federal Permitting Entities

To access the approximately 1,700 miles of federal lands the MMBI network will need to cross, CDT has worked with Caltrans and federal land management agencies to develop a letter of intent committing each entity to work together to identify NEPA responsibilities within 60 days. This was finalized this past January and was signed by all relevant state and federal parties in March. While signatures were being secured, the parties have worked together to identify NEPA roles, and final documents formalizing these roles will be signed in the coming weeks.  

Second Quarter Middle-Mile Advisory Committee Meeting on Friday, April 21

On April 21, the second quarterly Middle Mile Advisory Committee (MMAC) meeting was held. Find the meeting’s recording and presentation here.

Last Mile Broadband Programs

Federal Funding Account Public Map

The CPUC formally published an updated Federal Funding Account public map and accompanying information page, including a Public Map User Manual, updated Data Dictionary descriptions, and refined and reformatted Census Block data. In addition to displaying Mass Market Unserved Locations across the state, the map also now includes two layers for displaying Disadvantaged Communities and Low-Income Areas, which will be used to incorporate equity into the project scoring process. Email questions about the Public Map to: federalfundingaccount@cpuc.ca.gov.

California Advanced Services Fund (CASF) Program Updates

The deadline for applications to the CASF Broadband Infrastructure Grant Account for 2023 has been extended to June 1, 2023. Check out the new Broadband Availability Map and find out how to apply here.

The CPUC awarded Broadband Adoption Account grants to fund 41 digital inclusion projects from 22 applicants that will serve 52,729 participants, with a total award amount of $11.9 million. This set of awards includes Los Angeles County’s Digital Navigator Project, a Tech Exchange project to establish a Tech Hub in San Jose serving low-income communities with broadband access, digital literacy services, and access to devices, a project by Build Hope, Inc., and the Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles to upgrade computer labs and provide digital literacy classes, and Anza Electric Cooperative, which will offer digital literacy services to all residents within its service territory. More information about these and other projects approved by the CPUC can be found in the Resolution here, or on the CASF Adoption Account webpage. The CPUC is accepting additional applications for the Adoption Account now, and the current window for applications will close on July 1, 2023.

The CPUC is requesting party comments on a proposal for modifications to the Broadband Public Housing Account rules to facilitate deployment of broadband networks in low-income communities that lack access to free broadband service that meets state standards by expanding project eligibility and the scope of costs eligible for reimbursement. Parties may submit comments in Rulemaking 20-08-021 no later than May 19, 2023 and may file reply comments no later than May 29, 2023. 

Local Agency Technical Assistance

Local Agency Technical Assistance (LATA) grants support Tribes and local agencies in their efforts to expand broadband service to unserved and underserved Californians. While the LATA program is currently over-subscribed in existing applications from local agencies, the program still has approximately $2.4 million available for Tribes to support pre-construction activities related to broadband expansion, such as environmental studies, network design, and engineering study expenses. Visit the LATA webpage for more information including how to apply for the remaining funds allocated to Tribes. 

Broadband Adoption and Affordable Connectivity Program Update

Over 2 Million California Households Now Enrolled in ACP

The California Broadband Council, and state and local entities continue their commitment to increase affordability and adoption of home internet service by promoting low-cost internet plans and enrollment in the federal Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP). This helps low-income households pay for internet service and connected devices like a laptop or tablet.

As a result of these efforts, there are 2,108,983 California households enrolled in the ACP as of May 1, 2023.

ACP Tools and Resources

The California Department of Technology, the California Emerging Technology Fund, EveryoneOn, and California State University at Chico have developed the following tools to support individuals applying for these programs, organizations assisting with enrollment, outreach, and track ACP enrollment: 

State Digital Equity and BEAD Planning Process Update

Statewide Digital Equity Planning Group

Over 180 attendees participated in the recent Digital Equity Statewide Planning Group (SPG) meeting on WednesdayApril 26 from 12-2 p.m. Seven Graduate Student Assistants shared digital equity barriers faced by the covered populations discussed in outcome area working group meetings and highlighted various programs and services that are working towards closing the digital divide throughout California. Other members of the Broadband and Digital Literacy team provided progress on the Digital Equity Ecosystem Mapping tool and the public surveys. SPG members provided input on the planning process and community feedback received so far. 

SPG meeting’s video recording, presentation, and minutes can be found on the past events page of the Broadband for All portal. 

Broadband for All, Digital Equity, and BEAD Planning Workshops

The California Department of Technology, the California Public Utilities Commission, and other state agencies and departments have partnered with regional and local organizations to host the first 9 of 20 Regional Broadband for All, Digital Equity, and BEAD Planning Workshops that will be conducted throughout the state. Thus far, workshops have been held in Merced, Fresno, San Diego, Chico, Santa Rosa, Eureka, San Jose, Sacramento, and Grass Valley. Here are short video highlights of the Merced and Fresno planning workshops created by the San Joaquin Valley Regional Broadband Consortia. Below are a few photos from the earlier workshops.

Please participate in a workshop near you. Your participation in these workshops is critical to provide input and feedback on the development of the State’s Digital Equity and BEAD Five-Year Action Plan which will inform how future federal dollars are allocated to achieve Broadband for All in your region and community.

To register for an in-person workshop in your region, please click on the links below:

DateTimeRegion (Location)Link
May 162pm-6pmInland Empire (CSU San Bernardino)Register
May 1910am-2pmLos Angeles (LA Trade Tech Campus)Register
May 209am-2:30pmLong Beach (Veterans Park Social Hall)Register
May 249am-3pmOrange County (OC, County Administration South Building)Register
May 3012pm-5pmCentral Sierra (Tuolumne County Resilience Center)Register
June 111am-4:30pmPacific Coast (Veterans’ Memorial Community Center)Register
June 29am-2:30pmCentral Coast
(CSU Monterey Bay, Student Center)
June 812pm-4:30pmBay Area (Oakstop – Broadway Event Hall)Register

Take the DEEM Survey to Help your Community Get Online

The Digital Equity Ecosystem Mapping (DEEM) survey and the DEEM ISP (specifically for internet service providers in California) are now live. Now is your chance to make your voice heard and to share the work your organization is doing to close California’s digital divide.

Share how your work helps empower community members access reliable broadband internet, devices and digital skills training. Put your organization on the map today.

USDA Community Connect Broadband Grant Funding Opportunity

USDA is still accepting applications for grants under the Community Connect program to build community-oriented, high-speed internet networks for people in rural areas. Recipients may use the funds to establish high-speed internet networks that will foster economic growth and deliver enhanced educational, health care and public safety benefits.

All applications must be submitted electronically by 11:59 a.m. Eastern Time on June 20, 2023, to https://www.rd.usda.gov/community-connect

Upcoming Meetings

**Find materials from past events [here]

Outcome AreaWorking GroupMay 2023June 2023
EducationTuesday, May 16
3 – 4:30pm
Tuesday, June 163 – 4:30pm
HealthThursday, May 18
10 – 11:30am
Thursday, June 15
10 – 11:30am
Digital Literacy& InclusionWednesday, May 17
Wednesday, June 14
Workforce and Economic DevelopmentWednesday, May 17
1:30pm – 3pm
Wednesday, June 14
2pm – 3:30pm
Essential Services, Accessibility, and Civic EngagementThursday, May 18
1pm – 2:30pm
Thursday, June 15
1pm – 2:30pm
Tribal CollaborationTuesday, May 16
10 –11:30am
Tuesday, June 6
10:30am –12pm