Broadband for All Monthly Update
Broadband for All Update
November 2023
The California Department of Technology’s (CDT) Broadband Update provides the latest information on the implementation of the State’s Broadband Action Plan, Middle-Mile Broadband Initiative (MMBI), and other digital equity and inclusion activities collectively known as Broadband for All.
CDT would like to wish you the happiest of holidays and all the best in the New Year.
Broadband for All Update
In case you missed it, the last California Broadband Council meeting of 2023 was on Wednesday, October 25, 2023. The meeting’s recording, presentation slides, and minutes can be found here.
Please mark your calendars for the first California Broadband Council meeting of 2024, scheduled for Wednesday, January 24. For more information, click here.
Middle-Mile Broadband Initiative Update
The California Department of Technology (CDT) issued a Request for Innovative Ideas (RFI2) solicitation for the California Middle-Mile Broadband Initiative (MMBI) for innovative solutions, seeking additional lease, joint builds, or purchase opportunities. Submissions are due January 26, 2024. CDT, in partnership with the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), and the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) have more than 8,300 miles of the (MMBI) under contract. CDT is seeking innovative lease, join builds, and purchase opportunities that will help the state provide high speed broadband to communities faster. The Statewide Middle-Mile Network Map displays where high-speed broadband to communities are being rolled out. By the end of 2026, California will deliver open and equitable broadband access across California — especially to areas lacking an open middle-mile network. For more extensive updates on the project, please join us at the next Middle Mile Advisory Committee meeting on Friday, January 19. For more information, click here.
Last Mile Program Update
Broadband Caseworkers
The CPUC’s Broadband Caseworker team works with local governments, tribes, and other stakeholders to close the digital divide in California. Contact the team by email at with questions or to schedule a conversation. Interested in learning more about the CPUC’s Broadband Caseworker services and resources? Please visit reach out and visit their website.
Federal Funding Account Updates
The CPUC’s Federal Funding Account grant program received 484 grant applications, with an application from every county in California, totaling $4.6 billion in requests to fund last-mile infrastructure projects. The program includes an objection period during which interested parties can identify errors of fact, policy, or statutory requirements in written comments on applications. The objection period closed November 20, 2023, and applicants now have an opportunity to respond. Over 800 objections were submitted and a list of objections is available on the Federal Funding Account website.
Over the coming months, the CPUC will continue to review and evaluate applications, objections, and responses to objections, and make recommendations to the Commission to award grants. Those interested can subscribe to program updates
California Advanced Services Fund Updates
In November, the CPUC awarded $4.9 million for 65 Broadband Adoption Account grants to increase publicly available or after-school broadband access and digital literacy training programs for communities facing socioeconomic barriers. The Commission will vote on another 21 Broadband Adoption Account grant proposals at the December voting meeting, totaling $6.7 million to reach communities across the state.
Additionally, this month the CPUC awarded $22,035 from the Broadband Public Housing Account to build broadband networks that will offer free broadband service to 50 low-income households, and will vote soon to fund an additional five projects totaling $441,374 to reach another 256 households.
The CPUC is continuing to review applications for the Infrastructure Grant Account, which received 74 applications for approximately $527 million for middle-mile and last-mile infrastructure projects.
Technical Assistance
In the last month, the CPUC has awarded $1.7 million in technical assistance grants to four California tribes.
Loan Loss Reserve Program
On November 2nd, the CPUC adopted requirements for the Loan Loss Reserve Fund (fact sheet). The Loan Loss Reserve Program is a $750 million credit enhancement program for publicly owned broadband infrastructure projects deployed by local governments, Tribes, and nonprofits. The first application window and awards for this are targeted for 2024. The program will provide collateral to enable public broadband bonds, loans, and letters of credit to obtain more favorable borrowing rates and terms. Please visit the Loan Loss Reserve Fund webpage for more program information, including links to the CPUC Decision and Program Requirements and Guidelines (Attachment 1). Subscribe here to receive program updates and learn when the 2024 application window will open.
Broadband Adoption Update and Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) Update
California Households Continue to Enroll in ACP
The California Broadband Council and state and local entities continue their commitment to increase affordability and adoption of home internet service by promoting low-cost internet plans and enrollment in the federal Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP). This helps low-income households pay for internet service and connected devices like a laptop or tablet.
As a result of these efforts, 2,762,759 California households, or 47% of all ACP-Eligible Households have enrolled in the ACP as of December 4, 2023.
ACP Tools and Resources
CDT, the California Emerging Technology Fund, EveryoneOn, and California State University Chico have developed the following tools to support individuals applying for the ACP, and organizations assisting with outreach, enrollment, and tracking ACP enrollment progress:
Digital Equity and Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Updates
Draft State Digital Equity Plan Coming Soon
CDT will release the Draft State Digital Equity Plan (SDEP) the week of December 11, 2023. It will mark the beginning of the 45-day Public Comment period. The Plan will be posted on the Broadband for All Portal. We will send a follow up email when the Draft SDEP is posted.
Digital Equity Plan Informational Webinar
CDT will host a virtual webinar for residents, stakeholders, and partners on December 15, 2023, 11 a.m.- 12 p.m. Please join us to learn more about the framework of the plan, where the plan can be found on the Broadband for All portal, how to submit public comment using the online form and to ask any questions about the Draft SDEP. The webinar will be recorded and posted to the Broadband for All portal.
Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment Program Update
The Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) program will expand high-speed internet access by providing grant funding for infrastructure deployment across the state. On November 7, the CPUC released draft versions of Volume 1 and Volume 2 of its BEAD Initial Proposal which proposes a program framework according to the federal parameters. Initial comments on these drafts were due by November 27, and parties have until December 7 to submit reply comments.
In addition to formal comments, the CPUC welcomes letters providing feedback on the draft Initial Proposal from representatives of local and Tribal governments as well as community-based and nonprofit organizations via email to
Recent public engagements for BEAD include:
- November 28: In-Person Listening Session in Los Angeles
- November 8: Two Virtual Public Participation Hearings
- October 26: In-Person Technical Workshop in Sacramento
Transcripts of the Public Participation Hearings, recordings of the Public Participation Hearings and October 26 workshop, and other resources on BEAD are available on the CPUC’s BEAD website.
Upcoming Events
**Find materials from past events [here]
Date | Time | Event |
Friday, December 15, 2023 | 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. | State Digital Equity Plan Informational Webinar |
Friday, January 19, 2024 | 10:00-11:30 a.m. | Middle Mile Advisory Committee Meeting (Hybrid) |
Wednesday, January 24, 2024 | 9:30-11:30 a.m. | California Broadband Council Meeting (Hybrid) |
Job Opportunities
California Department of Technology
CDT is hiring across many teams to support Broadband for All. Apply using the link below.
- Senior Accounting Officer (Specialist) – Senior Accounting Officer— Accounts Receivable (FFD 12/7/23)
California Public Utilities Commission
The CPUC is hiring for positions ranging from data management to engagement coordinators and will be adding more positions in the coming months to support implementation of BEAD.
Keep an eye on CDT Broadband job postings and CPUC job postings. Visit CalCareers for more information and to apply for open positions.