Message to California Broadband Partners

Closing the state’s persistent digital divide is a complex task that requires the coordination and cooperation of many partners and stakeholders to address long-standing inequities related to broadband infrastructure, service deployment, affordability, adoption, and digital literacy.

While CDT and state partners are administering several programs to address these issues, we understand that some statewide partners have different experiences and availability to engage and interact with the programs designed to empower local communities to achieve digital equity.

Recently, we heard from many community members, advocates and partner entities who attended and provided public comment at the California Broadband Council, Middle-Mile Broadband Advisory Committee (MMAC), and Statewide Planning Group meetings. We appreciate the direct and honest feedback and are committed to improving how we convey information and increase transparency which is so critical to our shared interests.

The first steps to improve our communication and transparency are related to the online interactive Middle Mile Network map. Currently, we are revising the descriptions of construction phases on segments, building a new webpage that will have a catalog of map updates, which will include the date and description of the updates that are made. Additionally, all map updates will be highlighted in Broadband Update emails.

Broadband stakeholders are still encouraged to participate in the MMAC and California Broadband Council meetings, and we will continue to develop more proactive ways to reach out to stakeholders and increase transparency. 

Broadband for All Update

The California Broadband Council met in-person on Wednesday, October 25, 2023. CDT, California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), and California Emerging Technology Fund provided updates on the Broadband for All Action Plan implementation, the Middle and Last Mile programs, the Statewide Affordable Connectivity program mobilization effort, and the State Digital Equity and BEAD planning process. 

The meeting’s recording, presentation slides, and minutes can be found here.  

The next California Broadband Council meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, January 24, 2024.  

Middle-Mile Broadband Initiative Update

The quarterly MMAC meeting was held on Friday, October 20 with program updates from CDT, Caltrans, CPUC, and GSN highlighting the Governor’s announcement that the administration is committed to fully funding the entire 10,000-mile network and completing it by December 2026. 

The meeting’s recording and presentation slides can be found here

The video highlighting the fiber leasing program can be found here

The next MMAC meeting is scheduled for Friday, January 19, 2024.  

CDT had released a Request for Innovative Ideas (RFI²) the new RFI² solicitation includes all remaining MMBI network miles. The greatest focus is on the approximately 650 miles remaining from the existing 10,000-mile map that are not currently contemplated in any existing construction, lease, or purchase contracts or master agreements. CDT is also focused on identifying and partnering on any segments of the MMBI network miles located in dense urban areas with a focus on minimizing the community and traffic disruptions associated with construction as well as areas where the pace of development can be increased. The RFI² is open through January 31, 2024 and can be viewed online.

Last Mile Program Update

Broadband Caseworkers

The CPUC’s Broadband Caseworker Team is scheduling in-person seminars with interested public agencies to discuss business considerations, technology and policy/tools. Schedule a seminar here. The CPUC’s Broadband Caseworker team provides expertise about grants, project planning, data and mapping, business models, and regulations to community leaders and local governments needing help accessing grant programs to deploy broadband. In the resources section there are video overviews of Broadband Market StructureAverage Revenue Per UserTake Rates, and Churn.

Federal Funding Account Updates 

The CPUC’s Federal Funding Account closed on September 29, 2023 and received 484 applications. Every county submitted an application totaling $4.6 billion in requests to fund last mile infrastructure projects that will connect unserved Californians. The CPUC published application Project Summaries and updated the Federal Funding Account Public Map with a layer to show proposed project areas. A 28-day Objection Period started October 23, 2023 and will close on November 20, 2023. Interested Parties may review application project summaries and location level data and submit written comments through the CPUC’s Broadband Grant Portal. More information is available on the Last Mile Federal Funding Account webpage. Over the coming months, the CPUC will review and evaluate applications, objections and responses to objections, and make recommendations to the Commission to award grants. 

California Advanced Services Fund Updates

The CPUC is continuing to review recent applications for the Broadband Adoption Account, which received 96 applications for nearly $15 million for broadband access and digital literacy. The Broadband Public Housing Account received 14 applications to build broadband networks offering free service to residents of low-income communities. The Infrastructure Grant Account received 74 applications for approximately $527 million for middle-mile and last-mile infrastructure. The Tribal Technical Assistance Program received 5 applications for grants to develop market and feasibility studies, and business plans by the October 1, 2023 deadline.

Loan Loss Reserve Program 

The CPUC is considering requirements and guidelines for the $750 million Loan Loss Reserve program that will help local governments, tribes, and non-profits to finance publicly-owned broadband infrastructure projects. This program provides a credit enhancement for financing broadband infrastructure deployed by local governments, non-profits, or tribes. The support will enhance project feasibility by providing collateral to enable public broadband bonds and more favorable borrowing rates and terms for bonds or loans.

Broadband Adoption and Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) Update

California Households Continue to Enroll in ACP

The California Broadband Council, state and local entities continue their commitment to increase affordability and adoption of home internet service by promoting low-cost internet plans and enrollment in the federal Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP). This helps low-income households pay for internet service and connected devices like a laptop or tablet.

As a result of these efforts, 2,701,578 California households enrolled in the ACP as of November 14, 2023. That is 46% of all ACP-Eligible Households in California.

ACP Tools and Resources

The California Department of Technology, the California Emerging Technology Fund, EveryoneOn, and California State University Chico have developed the following tools to support individuals applying for the ACP, and organizations assisting with outreach, enrollment, and tracking ACP enrollment progress: 

Digital Equity and Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Updates

State Digital Equity Plan Update

After an extensive engagement and data analysis process, CDT is developing the draft State Digital Equity Plan (SDEP) in anticipation of posting for public comment and input.

Per last month’s email update, CDT has applied for a no-cost extension for its SDEP Grant administered by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA). In response to NTIA’s strong recommendation, CDT recently revised its no-cost extension from 90 to 120 days allowing California to join 51 other states to recognize an NTIA-introduced 45-day curing period to ensure the technical requirements of the plan are met. The full 120-day extension will allow CDT to comply with the curing process and provide a greater opportunity for public input by extending the public comment period from 30 days to 45 days which will now begin in December 2023.

Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment Program Update

The CPUC is preparing to issue a draft version of the BEAD Initial Proposal in early November, which will propose a program framework according to federal requirements and guidelines. The CPUC will request written comments on the draft Initial Proposal before submitting a final version to the NTIA by December 27, 2023, as required by federal deadlines. The CPUC conducted an all-day technical workshop on key policy issues to be addressed in the BEAD Initial Proposal on October 26, 2023, which included an overview of the BEAD program by a representative of NTIA, presentations by CPUC staff on key policy issues, and panel discussions of selected topics. A video recording of the workshop may be accessed on the CPUC’s BEAD website

In addition to formal comments by parties in the BEAD proceeding, the CPUC will accept letters providing feedback on the draft Initial Proposal from representatives of local and Tribal governments via email, which may be sent to To solicit input from members of the public, the CPUC conducted two Public Participation Hearings on November 8, 2023 at 2pm and again at 6pm, and will conduct a listening session in Los Angeles on November 28, 2023. 

Upcoming Events

DateTimeEventLocations and Links
Friday, January 19, 202410:00-11:30 a.m.Middle Mile Advisory Committee Meeting (Hybrid)To Be Announced on MMBI Website
Wednesday, January 24, 20249:30-11:30 a.m.California Broadband Council Meeting (Hybrid)To Be Announced on CBC Website

Job Opportunities

California Department of Technology

The CDT Office of Broadband and Digital Literacy (OBDL) is hiring across many teams to support Broadband for AllApply using the link below.

California Public Utilities Commission

The CPUC is hiring for positions ranging from data management to engagement coordinators and will be adding more positions in the coming months to support implementation of BEAD.  

Keep an eye on CDT Broadband job postings and CPUC job postings on CalCareers  for more information and to apply for open positions once they are posted.