Appendix A – California Broadband Council Member Organizations
California Broadband Council Member Organizations | |
Department of Technology | California Emerging Technology Fund |
Public Utilities Commission | Department of Food and Agriculture |
Governor’s Office of Emergency Services | California State Library |
Department of Education | Governor’s Office of Tribal Affairs |
Department of General Services | Member of the Senate (The Honorable Stephen Bradford) |
California Transportation Agency | Member of the Assembly (The Honorable Mike Gipson) |
Appendix B – Statutory Bodies
Statutory Body | Role |
California Broadband Council (CBC) | The CBC was established by SB 1462 (Chapter 338, Statutes of 2010) to promote broadband deployment in unserved and underserved areas of the state as defined by the CPUC, and broadband adoption throughout the state. The 12-member Council is staffed by CDT’s OBDL which provides support by managing the statewide ecosystem of individuals and organizations dedicated to closing the digital divide. The CBC developed the Broadband for All Action Plan as directed by EO N-73-20. |
Middle-Mile Advisory Committee (MMAC) | The MMAC monitors the development and construction of the state’s open-access middle-mile network. The Committee adopted three guiding principles to focus the work of the MMBI:
Appendix C – California Broadband Council Members, Action Item Plan Parties, and Key Partners
Agency | Role |
California Department of Technology (CDT) | CDT is the state’s technology leader and has broad responsibility and authority over all aspects of technology in state government. CDT chairs the CBC, leads the implementation of the Broadband for All Action Plan, and is the lead party for Action Items 6, 14, 16, 18, 21, and 24 in the Broadband for All Action Plan. CDT oversees the Middle-Mile Broadband Initiative and chairs the CBC, MMAC, and Digital Equity Statewide Planning Group (SPG), leading the development of the SDEP. |
Office of Broadband and Digital Literacy (OBDL) | OBDL, an office within CDT, manages the statewide ecosystem of individuals and organizations dedicated to closing the digital divide. OBDL leads the implementation of the Broadband for All Action Plan, the management of the Broadband for All Portal (central website for all things broadband in California), and the development of the State Digital Equity Plan, the SPG, and all OAWGs. OBDL is the lead party for Action Items 18 and 21 in the Broadband for All Action Plan. OBDL co-chairs the Digital Literacy and Inclusion, Essential Services, Accessibility, and Civic Engagement, Workforce and Economic Development, and Tribal Collaboration OAWGs. |
California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) | CPUC promotes access to safe, clean, and affordable utility services and infrastructure. Key digital equity programs include the California Advanced Services Fund, Tribal Technical Assistance, Local Agency Technical Assistance, Loan-Loss Reserve Fund, California LifeLine, the Deaf and Disabled Telecommunications Program, the California Interactive Broadband Map, and CalSPEED Mobile Broadband Speed Testing. CPUC is a CBC member and lead party for Action Items 1, 3, 9, 10, 11, 12, 17,19, 20, and 22 in the Broadband for All Action Plan. CPUC is a member of the CBC, MMAC, SPG, and co-chairs the Digital Literacy and Inclusion, Workforce and Economic Development, and Tribal Collaboration OAWGs. |
Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) | CalOES serves as the state’s leadership hub during all major emergencies and disasters. CalOES is the lead party for Action Item 8 in the Broadband for All Action Plan. CalOES is a member of the CBC and the SPG. They are also a co-chair of the Essential Services, Accessibility, and Civic Engagement OAWG. |
California Department of Education (CDE) | CDE ensures that every child has access to a world-class education, including by maximizing students’ and teachers’ access to education technology. CDE is a member of the CBC and the SPG, and co-chair of the Education OAWG. |
California Department of General Services (DGS) | DGS serves as the business manager for the State and provides a variety of services to state agencies. DGS is a member of the California Broadband Council and the Digital Equity Statewide Planning Group. DGS is the lead party for Action Item 7 in the Broadband for All Action Plan. DGS is a member of the CBC and the SPG. |
California State Transportation Agency (CalSTA) | CalSTA develops and coordinates the policies and programs of the state’s transportation entities and contributes to the deployment of fiber and fiber conduit. CalSTA is the lead party for Action Items 4 and 5 in the Broadband for All Action Plan. CalSTA is a member of the CBC and the SPG. |
California Emerging Technology Fund (CETF) | CETF fosters partnerships and promotes policies to close the digital divide. CETF has funded more than 100 grantees to deliver digital literacy training to more than 800,000 residents and got more than 250,000 low-income households online. CETF is a co-lead of the statewide Get Connected! California Mobilization to raise awareness of and increase enrollment in the FCC’s ACP program. CETF has launched pioneering initiatives including the School2Home program and founded and funded the California Telehealth Network.[287] CETF is a member of the CBC and the SPG, and co-chair of the Digital Literacy and Inclusion OAWG. |
California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) | CDFA seeks to protect a safe, healthy food supply, and to enhance local and global agricultural trade. CDFA is a member the CBC and the SPG. |
California State Library (CSL) | CSL is the central reference and research library for state government and the Legislature. It also directs state and federal funds to support local public libraries and statewide library programs and services, of which key digital equity programs include Digital Navigators (digital skills training) and California Library Connect Program (last-mile broadband and infrastructure). CSL is a member of the CBC, the SPG, and co-chairs of the Education, Digital Literacy and Inclusion, and Workforce and Economic Development OAWGs. |
Governor’s Office of Tribal Affairs (OTA) | OTA oversees the state’s policy on tribal affairs, oversees and implements government-to-government consultations between the Governor’s Administration and California tribes,, and advises the administration on relevant tribal affairs issues. OTA is a member of the CBC, the SPG, and co-chair of the Tribal Collaboration OAWG. |
Government Operations Agency | The Government Operations Agency is one of 11 cabinet-level agencies in the executive branch of state government. Per Action Item 16 of the Broadband for All Action Plan, the Government Operations Agency partners with state agencies and internet service providers to promote, track and publicly report the progress of adoption of affordable internet services, the Affordable Connectivity Program, and devices throughout the state. The Government Operations Agency is a member of the SPG and a co-chair of Essential Services, Accessibility and Civic Engagement Outcome Area Working Group. |
Department of Finance (DOF) | DOF serves as the Governor’s chief fiscal policy advisor and to promote long-term economic sustainability and responsible resource allocation. DOF is a member of the MMAC. |
Department of Transportation (Caltrans) | Caltrans manages more than 15,000 miles of California’s highway and freeway lanes, provides inter-city rail services, permits more than 400 public-use airports and special-use hospital heliports, and works with local agencies regarding how best to coordinate transportation solutions. Caltrans carries out its mission with six primary programs: Aeronautics, Highway Transportation, Mass Transportation, Transportation Planning, Administration, and the Equipment Service Center. Caltrans is a member of the MMAC. |
Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz) | GO-Biz serves as the State of California’s leader for job growth, economic development, and business assistance efforts. Per Action Item 2 of the Broadband for All Action Plan, GO-Biz leads the effort to Identify alternative financing opportunities with government and philanthropic partners to maximize funding for new infrastructure. GO-Biz is a member of the SPG and a co-chair of the Workforce and Economic Development OAWG. |
California Department of Public Health (CDPH) | CDPH works to protect the public’s health in the Golden State and helps shape positive health outcomes for individuals, families, and communities. The Department’s programs and services, implemented in collaboration with local health departments and state, federal and private partners, touch the lives of every Californian and visitor to the state 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. CDPH supports the implementation of the Broadband for All Action Plan. CDPH is a member of the SPG and co-chair of the Health OAWG. |
Department Of Rehabilitation (DOR) | DOR works in partnership with consumers and other stakeholders to provide services and advocacy resulting in employment, independent living, and equality for individuals with disabilities. DOR administers the largest vocational rehabilitation and independent living programs in the country. DOR is a member of the Digital Equity Statewide Planning Group, and co-chair of the Essential Services, Accessibility, and Civic Engagement OAWG. |
California Department of Aging (CDA) | Under the umbrella of the California Health and Human Services Agency, CDA administers programs that serve older adults, adults with disabilities, family caregivers, and residents in long-term care facilities throughout the State. Per Action Item 15, CDA leads the effort to analyze the needs of the aging population for access to affordable, reliable, high-speed broadband, and identify programmatic and partnership opportunities to meet these needs.[288] Through Digital Connections (DC), Connections, Health, Aging & Technology (CHAT), and Program for All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE), CDA has distributed thousands of devices and partner with Area Agencies on Aging to provide digital literacy trainings to older adults. CDA is a member of the SPG and a co-chair of the Health and Digital Literacy and Inclusion OAWGs. |
California Department of Social Services (DSS) | DSS is responsible for the oversight and administration of programs serving California’s most vulnerable residents. DSS supports the implementation of the Broadband for All Action Plan. DSS is a member of the SPG. |
California Labor and Workforce Development Agency (LWDA) | LWDA is an executive branch agency that works to ensure safe and fair workplaces, deliver critical worker benefits, and promote good jobs for all. The Agency oversees seven departments, boards, and panels that serve California employers and workers. LWDA supports the implementation of the Broadband for All Action Plan. LWDA is a member of the SPG and a co-chair of the Workforce and Economic Development OAWG. |
California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) | HCD helps to provide stable, safe homes affordable to veterans, seniors, young families, farm workers, tribes, people with disabilities, and individuals and families experiencing homelessness. Per Action Item 15 of the Broadband for All Action Plan, HCD leads the effort to leverage existing Housing and Community Development programs to provide free broadband service for tenants in newly built housing and publicly subsidized units. HCD is a member of the SPG. |
California Department of Veterans Affairs (CalVet) | CalVet provides services and works with 1.6 million veterans and their families living in California to connect them to state and federal rights and benefits they have earned through their military service. CalVet is a member of the SPG. |
California Department of Correctional Rehabilitation (CDCR) | CDCR is the penal law enforcement agency of the government of California responsible for the operation of the California state prison and parole systems. CDCR is a member of the SPG. |
California Office of Data and Innovation (ODI) | ODI partners with various State departments to expand and improve services focusing on accessibility, human-centered design, and informed analytics. ODI is a member of the SPG and co-chair of the Economic Development OAWG. |
Governor’s Office of Planning and Research (OPR) | OPR studies future research and planning needs, fosters goal-driven collaboration, and delivers guidance to state partners and local communities, with a focus on land use and community development, climate risk and resilience, and high road economic development. OPR is a co-chair of the Health OAWG. |
California Department of Developmental Services (DDS) | DDS oversees the coordination and delivery of services and support to more than 360,000 Californians with developmental disabilities. DDS is a co-chair of the Essential Service, Accessibility, and Civic Engagement OAWG. |
University of California (UC) | UC improves the lives of people in CA and around the world through world-class educational opportunities, groundbreaking research, top-rated health care and agricultural expertise. UC consists of ten campuses, six academic health centers, three research laboratories, and 294,309 students. UC was a significant contributor in the joint Digital Equity and BEAD planning process. It will be a critical implementation partner. UC is a co-chair of the Education OAWG. |
California State University (CSU) | CSU is the nation’s largest and most diverse four-year public university, providing opportunities for upward mobility to students across the state and empowering them to become leaders in the changing workforce. With nearly 130,000 annual graduates, the CSU is the state’s greatest producer of bachelor’s degrees and drives California’s economy in agriculture, information technology, business, hospitality, life sciences, healthcare, public administration, education, media, and entertainment. CSUCCESS (California State University Connectivity Contributing to Equity and Student Success) continues to address the technology equity gap and enhance student achievement by providing industry-leading technology to the CSU community. CSU is a co-chair of the Education OAWG. |
California Community Colleges (CCC) | With 1.8 million students attending 116 colleges, CCC’s mission is to provide students with the knowledge and background necessary to compete in today’s economy. CCC was a significant contributor in the CPUC and CDT’s joint Digital Equity and BEAD planning process and will be a critical implementation partner.[289] CCC is a co-chair of the Education, Digital Literacy and Inclusion, and Workforce and Economic Development OAWGs. |
Corporation for Education Network Initiatives in California (CENIC) | CENIC is a nonprofit corporation that provides high-performance, high-bandwidth networking services to California universities and research institutions. GoldenStateNet, a subsidiary of CENIC, is the State’s third-party administrator for the MMBI. CENIC is a co-chair of the Education and Tribal Collaboration OAWGs. |
California Health and Human Services Agency (HHS) | HHS oversees 12 Departments, five Offices, and various state entities that provide health and social services throughout California. HHS is a co-chair of Health OAWG. |
Covered California | Covered California is the state’s health insurance marketplace where individuals and families can get free or low-cost health insurance through Medi-Cal or get help paying for private health insurance. Covered California is a partnership of the California Health Benefit Exchange and the California Department of Health Care Services. Covered California is a co-chair of the Health OAWG. |
California Natural Resources Agency (CNRA) | CNRA works to protect and manage the state’s natural, historical, and cultural resources for current and future generations. CNRA is an advisor to the CBC. Supports the implementation of the Broadband for All Action Plan and plays a key role in Action Item 6. |
California Environmental Protection Agency (CalEPA) | CalEPA works to restore, protect, and enhance the environment, and to ensure public health, environmental quality, and economic vitality. CalEPA supports the implementation of the Broadband for All Action Plan. |
California Business, Consumer Services and Housing Agency | With over 6,000 employees and a $4.6 billion operating budget department-wide, the Business, Consumer Services and Housing Agency is responsible for fostering an equitable and inclusive California. BCSH does this by licensing and regulating over 4 million professionals, businesses, and financial services; funding and facilitating the preservation and expansion of safe, affordable housing; advancing statewide collaborative efforts to prevent and end homelessness; and guarding and enforcing California’s civil rights laws. |
California Workforce Development Board | Supports workforce development support and innovation, policy development, and driven by objectives from California’s Unified Strategic State Plan to foster skills attainment programs, enable upward mobility for all Californians and coordinating programs and services to this end. The Workforce Development Board administers the “High Road Training Partnerships” initiatives designed to develop partnerships strategies for industry-based, worker-focused training and skills building programs that promote innovation and investment in human capital. |
Appendix D – California’s Regional Broadband Consortia
Regional Broadband Consortia | Counties Represented |
Broadband Consortium of the Pacific Coast | San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, and Ventura Counties |
Central Coast Broadband Consortium | Monterey, San Benito, and Santa Cruz Counties |
Central Sierra Economic Development District/Broadband Utility | Alpine, Amador, Calaveras, Mariposa, And Tuolumne Counties |
Connected Capital Area Broadband Consortium | Sacramento, Sutter, Yolo, and Yuba Counties |
Gold Country Broadband Consortium | El Dorado, Nevada, Placer, and Sierra Counties |
Inland Empire Regional Broadband Consortium | Riverside and San Bernardino Counties |
Inyo-Mono Broadband Consortium | Inyo and Mono Counties |
Los Angeles Digital Equity Action League Consortium | Los Angeles County |
North Bay/North Coast Broadband Consortium | Marin, Mendocino, Napa, and Sonoma Counties |
Northeastern California Connect Consortium | Butte, Lassen, Modoc, Plumas, Shasta, Siskiyou, and Tehama Counties |
Redwood Coast Connect Broadband Consortium | Del Norte, Humboldt, and Trinity Counties |
San Joaquin Valley Regional Broadband Consortium | Fresno, Kern, Kings, Madera, Merced, San Joaquin, Stanislaus, and Tulare Counties |
Southern Border Broadband Consortium | Fresno, Kern, Kings, Madera, Merced, San Joaquin, Stanislaus, and Tulare Counties |
Southern Border Broadband Consortium | Imperial and San Diego Counties |
Tahoe Basin Project | Lake Tahoe Basin Area County |
Upstate California Connect Consortium | Colusa, Glenn, and Lake Counties |
Appendix E – Statewide and Regional Partners
Organization | Role |
Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC) | RCRC is a 40-member service organization that champions policies on behalf of California’s rural 38 counties. RCRC provides the rural county perspective on a myriad issues during the legislative and regulatory process, including land use, water and natural resources, housing, transportation, wildfire protection policies, and health and human, and broadband services. The core of RCRC’s mission is to improve the ability of small, rural California county government to provide services by reducing the burden of state and federal mandates, and promoting a greater understanding among policy makers about the unique challenges that face California’s small population counties. RCRC is a member of the SPG and a co-chair of the Education, Digital Literacy and Adoption, Essential Services, Accessibility, and Civic Engagement, and Workforce and Economic Development OAWGs. |
League of California Cities | League of California Cities seeks to expand and protect local control for cities through education and advocacy to enhance the quality of life for all Californians specifically the Transportation, Communications, and Public Works (TCPW) Policy Committee reviews issues related to transportation planning, technology, funding, construction, public works, telecommunications, and other related areas. The League of California Cities is a co-chair of the Essential Services, Accessibility, and Civic Engagement OAWG. |
California Forward (CA FWD) | CA FWD drives collective action to identify solutions that can be taken to scale to meet the challenges the state is facing. The organization is driven by the belief that this collective action will help ensure the economic, environmental, and social prosperity of all people. |
California State Association of Counties (CSAC) | Represents all 58 California county governments before the California Legislature, administrative agencies, and the federal government. CSAC places a strong emphasis on educating the public about the value and need for county programs and services, including sharing broadband resources via a blog. CSAC is a co-chair of the Essential Services, Accessibility, and Civic Engagement OAWG. |
Insure the Uninsured Project (ITUP) | ITUP is a nonprofit with over 25 years of experience in the California health policy landscape. ITUP’s Broadband convening goals are to bridge the knowledge gap between health care and broadband, identify health sector engagement opportunities at all levels, and activate participate in stakeholder processes while securing funding. ITUP is a co-chair of the Health OAWG. |
California Coverage and Health Initiatives (CCHI) | CCHI is a statewide association of outreach and enrollment organizations that are focused on helping families navigate into affordable health coverage and have access to high quality health services. CCHI is a co-chair of the Health OAWG. |
San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) | San Diego Association of Governments is a collaborative organization that unites local decision-makers to address regional challenges. The agency’s Regional Broadband and Digital Infrastructure Master Plan, set for completion in 2024, outlines a vision for digital communications network. Additionally, in collaboration with the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG), SANDAG is exploring opportunities to bridge the digital divide, with twenty firms shortlisted to potentially co-author grant applications for broadband projects. |
Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) | SCAG is a regional organization that addresses regional issues, covering six counties and 191 cities, and oversees long-range transportation plans, housing needs, and air quality management plans, with an 86-member Regional Council. SCAG’s regional council adopted Resolution No. 21-629-2, which pledges SCAG to assist in bridging the digital divide in underserved communities. The resolution recognizes the digital divide and directs staff to develop a Broadband Action Plan and or Program. |
AARP California | AARP is the nation’s largest nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to empowering Americans 50 and older to choose how they live as they age.[290] |
California Community Foundation (CCF) | CCF leads positive systemic change that strengthens Los Angeles communities. |
Michelson Foundation | 20mm builds awareness of and work to close the digital divide by advocating for paradigm-shifting policies and convening cross-sectoral leaders to increase investments into innovative solutions such as the Digital Equity Pooled Fund and Digital Equity in Tribal Communities. |
Common Sense Media | Common Sense believes in media that inspires and entertains families of all kinds. In technology that protects privacy and supports communities. In learning tools that prepare students and teachers for success in a connected world. Common Sense uses funds to improve Digital Equity through their national infrastructure are used to provide vulnerable and underserved communities with affordable access to broadband high-speed internet, and by equipping those communities with the tools to use technology effectively. |
Latino Coalition for a Healthy California (LCHC) | LCHC advances and protects Latino Health through policy and advocacy to build healthy communities in California |
Parent Institute for Quality Education (PIQE) | PIQE engages, empowers, and transforms families by providing the knowledge and skills to partner with schools and communities to ensure their students achieve their full potential. PIQE expanded and enhances capacity in digital literacy skills by providing families with online learning that is linguistically and culturally responsive. Integrated into its evidence-based curriculum, PIQE provides the following training for parents to respond to their schools’ platforms and programs |
California Promise Neighborhood Network | The California Promise Neighborhood Network (CPNN) is a network of backbone agencies and federally recognized tribes leading Cradle to Career initiatives throughout the State of California. CPNN members provide a range of digital equity opportunities, including digital literacy training, advanced technology skills training and workforce development, community outreach, education and access to low-cost broadband and devices, and support with online and distance learning platforms. CPNN members partner with early learning centers, preK-12th grade public schools, and higher education institutions to support families and children. |
Mission Economic Development Agency (MEDA) | MEDA is a comprehensive community development agency providing affordable housing, lending, family economic success and cradle to career services to Latinos in the San Francisco Bay Area. MEDA provides basic and advanced digital literacy training, and workforce training to prepare individuals for careers in administrative jobs and in the technology sector. MEDA also provides community outreach, education, and support for access to free and low-cost broadband and devices. All services are provided in Spanish and in English. |
Appendix F – Local Digital Equity Coalitions
Coalition | Description |
SoCal Transformation | SoCal Transformation was formed to bring together various stakeholders to bridge the digital divide in Southern California. Participants include members from the educational, healthcare, housing, social service, regional government, and industrial communities who focus on digital inclusion, literacy, and access with a focus on funding opportunities and strategic partnerships. Some of SoCal Transform’s successes include coordination of ACP enrollment efforts, development of permit streamlining approaches and overall awareness raising of digital divide issues in the region. |
Bay Area Digital Equity Coalition | Digital Equity Coalition (DEC) is a group of elected officials and educators working to bridge the digital divide for our community by doing work as a diverse coalition to advance digital equity through long-term infrastructure development and to meet immediate needs through short-term solutions. |
Capital Region Coalition for Digital Inclusion | CRCDI’s recommendations and the opportunities those recommendations create aim at bridging the digital divide, but also work to create meaningful learning and critical thinking opportunities for residents of our region. CRCDI developed an easy-to-use and comprehensive search tool for digital inclusion and literacy resources in the Capital Region. |
Digital Equity LA Coalition | Building a movement for community-based action to close the digital divide through Los Angeles County by advocating of limited broadband investment in marginalized communities, a dominant ISP duopoly, and policymaking controlled by providers have disempowered consumers and excluded local voices from decision-making. |
Fresno Coalition for Digital Inclusion | FCDI is an ongoing, cross-sector collaborative working to improve digital inclusion for and with the digitally under-served within Fresno County by leveraging existing cross-sector community infrastructure influencing deployment of public funding and driving measurable improvement on community. |
San José Digital Inclusion Partnership | San José Digital Inclusion Partnership $18 million cross-sector fund that will support grants with the goal of closing the City’s digital divide over the next 10 years. The program aims to provide 50,000 San José households with universal device access and connectivity, as well as resources to advance digital literacy skills. The city engaged CETF to administer grant-making. |
#OaklandUndivided | #OaklandUndivided is an equity-based, collective impact initiative launched in May 2020 to harness the people’s power to solve one of society’s most persistent structural inequities – the digital divide. The program provides technical support, digital literacy training, discounted device distribution, and support to enroll in ACP. |
Appendix G – State-Managed Assets for Access, Affordability, and Adoption
Asset | Description | Access | Affordability | Adoption |
Broadband For All Portal | Central repository of information on BB4All. Planning and permitting resources, grant funding finder, low-cost offer finder, ACP pages and tracker. | |||
Middle-Mile Broadband Initiative (MMBI) | The MMBI creates an affordable, State-owned open-access, middle-mile network that will be built and operated to bring high-speed broadband service to last mile providers in unserved and underserved communities throughout the state, regardless of technology used, on equal economic and service terms.[291] | |||
California Advanced Services Fund (CASF) Infrastructure Grant Account | Administered by the CPUC, CASF consists of six programs that support broadband deployment, adoption, and technical assistance. Since its inception in 2008, $348 million has been awarded to support 108 projects, with the potential to benefit 327,957 households across 43 counties. CASF programs are funded via surcharges collected by telecommunications providers, thus the programs are ongoing and may collect applications on a rolling basis. | |||
California Advanced Services Fund (CASF) Broadband Adoption Account | Grants to increase publicly available or after-school broadband access and digital inclusion, such as grants for digital literacy training programs and public education to communities with limited broadband adoption. | |||
California Advanced Services Fund (CASF) Rural and Urban Regional Broadband Consortia Account | Provides grants to facilitate deployment of broadband services by assisting CASF broadband infrastructure grant applicants in the project development or application process. | |||
California Advanced Services Fund (CASF) Public Housing Account | Provides grants and loans to build broadband networks offering free broadband service for residents of low-income communities including but not limited to, publicly supported housing developments, and other housing developments or mobile home parks with low-income residents. | |||
California Advanced Services Fund (CASF) Line Extension Pilot Program | Under the LEP, an individual household and/or property owner can apply for an infrastructure grant to offset the costs of connecting a household or property to an existing or proposed facility-based broadband provider. | |||
California Advanced Services Fund (CASF) Tribal Technical Assistance Program | Grants to assist California Tribes in developing market studies, feasibilities studies, and/or business plans, which support Tribes in their pursuit of improved communications were specified in the Commission’s Decision. | |||
Local Area Technical Assistance (LATA) | Administered by the CPUC, these grants enable local and Tribal governments to receive support for pre-project related costs and other work that facilitates broadband network deployment projects in communities that lack adequate broadband access. | |||
Federal Funding Account (FFA) | Administered by the CPUC, this will provide grants for last-mile broadband connectivity to unserved communities across California. Funding will be distributed across all California counties to ensure broad opportunities to advance both statewide and local broadband deployment goals | |||
Loan Loss Reserve Fund | Administered by the CPUC, the fund will assist local governments, Tribes, and non-profits in securing enhanced private financing to construct and operate new public broadband infrastructure networks. | |||
Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) | Refer to the CPUC BEAD 5-year plan for more detail. | |||
Broadband Maps | The CPUC collects broadband deployment and subscriber data once a year and displays validated deployment data on the California Interactive Broadband Map to provide Californians with a means to look up broadband speeds and service providers in their area. The Map also provides information on broadband adoption rates and funding eligibility by location for CASF Infrastructure Account applicants. CalSPEED mobile test results are also shown on the map. Equally important, the data inform public policies looking to bridge the digital divide in California. The CPUC also publishes an eligibility map for the FFA. Both maps have a feature for the public to submit feedback and comments on their service. | |||
Speed Test | The CPUC conducts a semi-annual statewide mobile field-testing program called “CalSPEED.” CalSPEED uses the latest smartphones from the major mobile providers to measure mobile broadband at nearly 4,000 locations in California. Data points are interpolated to estimate service performance and quality throughout the State, and provider maps based on the testing are available on the California Interactive Broadband Map | |||
State-owned Properties (land, buildings, utilities) | Identify state property for possible use for broadband infrastructure, based on specific criteria identified by the CPUC, CDT, Caltrans and other relevant agencies, to accelerate broadband deployment. Continued expansion through SB 717 to provide recommendations on how to accelerate deployment of broadband access points to serve tribes, low-income customers, and disadvantaged or underserved communities. |
Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) | The ACP is an FCC benefit program that is currently helping to ensure that more than 20+ million households can afford the broadband they need for work, school, healthcare and more.[292] | |||
Get Connected! California Statewide ACP | Get Connected! California is a joint Mobilization led by CDT, CPUC, CETF, and other Broadband Council members. This effort is driving and tracking enrollment in the FCC’s ACP. This effort included developing and customizing a toolkit for increasing program awareness statewide and supporting onsite enrollment events. | |||
FCC ACP Outreach Grants | 15 State and local entities received almost $6 million in FCC ACP outreach grants to raise awareness, conduct direct notification, and provide enrollment assistance in the ACP. CDT, CETF, and numerous local entities are grant recipients. | |||
Deaf and Disabled Telecommunications Program | Provides specialized telecommunications equipment, speech generating devices, and relay services to qualified Californians. | |||
California LifeLine Program | Provides a maximum monthly subsidy of $17.90 to low-income qualified participants for wireline or mobile voice and broadband services. The program works in tandem with the federal Lifeline program, which provides a monthly subsidy of up to $9.25 for telephone and broadband services and is administered by the FCC. Two California LifeLine pilot programs launched in June 2023 – one for wireline broadband services and one for wireless broadband services – enable service providers to combine the CA LifeLine and federal ACP subsidies. Pilot participants may access up to $57.15 (and up to $127.15 on Tribal lands) of combined federal and state support for standalone broadband service or bundled broadband and voice service plans. The pilots test whether the CA LifeLine can leverage federal programs to support new types of services, increase program participation, and offer higher-quality services than would otherwise have been possible. | |||
California Teleconnect Fund | Provides a 50% discount on advanced communication services (including Internet access and broadband services) to qualifying K–12 schools, libraries, community colleges, government-owned hospitals/health clinics, and community-based organizations. | |||
CPUC Rulemaking to Establish a Framework and Processes for Assessing the Affordability of Utility Service (R.18-07-006)87 | Declares that consumers need affordable utility services, including communications services, to ensure health, safety, and participation in society; examines the impact of service charges for essential services on residential households at various socioeconomic statuses. Adopts minimum standards defining communications “essential service” and a mechanism for updating the standards as consumer needs and technology advances. Develops a framework for monitoring the affordability of communications essential service, including analysis of the CPUC’s communication’s public purpose programs that support affordability and adoption and applying adopted affordability metrics to measure the effectiveness of the programs. CPUC to publish an Annual Affordability Report using data regarding rates and service offerings for voice and broadband reported by communications service providers, Census Bureau data, and socioeconomic data including the CalEnviroScreen vulnerable communities’ analysis. | |||
California State Library and Southern California Library Cooperative (SCLC) – Connected California | Connects Californians with Digital Navigators who can help in many areas of tech access and affordability, such as locating low-cost internet and devices, signing up for digital skills classes, and more. Services are free and available in English and Spanish. | |||
CDE California Educators Together | CA Educator Together is a platform and community of practice designed to provide educators, administrators, specialists, and state program leads a common space to communicate, share strategies, and access resources. |
Appendix H – Digital Navigation Service Providers
Organization | Covered Population |
American GI Forum Education Foundation | Households at or Below 150% of the Federal Poverty Level, Aging Individuals (Age 60+), Veterans, Individuals with Disabilities, Individuals with Language Barriers, Ethnic or Minority Communities, Rural Communities |
Ashby Village | Households at or Below 150% of the Federal Poverty Level, Aging Individuals (Age 60+), Individuals with Disabilities, Ethnic or Minority Communities, LGBTQIA, Women |
Asian Americans for Housing and Environmental Justice | Households at or Below 150% of the Federal Poverty Level, Aging Individuals (Age 60+), Incarcerated Individuals, Individuals with Disabilities, Individuals with Language Barriers, Ethnic or Minority Communities, LGBTQIA, Women |
Building Skills Partnership | Households at or Below 150% of the Federal Poverty Level, Aging Individuals (Age 60+), Individuals with Language Barriers, Ethnic or Minority Communities, Women |
Butte County Public Library | Households at or Below 150% of the Federal Poverty Level, Aging Individuals (Age 60+), Incarcerated Individuals, Veterans, Individuals with Disabilities, Individuals with Language Barriers, Ethnic or Minority Communities, Rural Communities |
Cal Poly Humboldt | Ethnic or Minority Communities, Rural Communities, Women |
California Department of Education, The Adult Education Office | Households at or Below 150% of the Federal Poverty Level, Aging Individuals (Age 60+), Incarcerated Individuals, Veterans, Individuals with Disabilities, Individuals with Language Barriers, Ethnic or Minority Communities, Rural Communities, LGBTQIA, Women |
California Emerging Technology Fund | Households at or Below 150% of the Federal Poverty Level, Aging Individuals (Age 60+), Veterans, Individuals with Disabilities, Individuals with Language Barriers, Ethnic or Minority Communities, Rural Communities, LGBTQIA, Women |
California State Library | Households at or Below 150% of the Federal Poverty Level, Aging Individuals (Age 60+), Veterans, Individuals with Disabilities, Individuals with Language Barriers, Ethnic or Minority Communities, Rural Communities |
City of Oceanside, California | Households at or Below 150% of the Federal Poverty Level, Aging Individuals (Age 60+), Veterans, Individuals with Disabilities, Individuals with Language Barriers, Ethnic or Minority Communities |
City of Roseville | Households at or Below 150% of the Federal Poverty Level, Aging Individuals (Age 60+), Veterans, Individuals with Disabilities, Individuals with Language Barriers, Ethnic or Minority Communities, LGBTQIA, Women |
Community Tech Network | Households at or Below 150% of the Federal Poverty Level, Aging Individuals (Age 60+), Veterans, Individuals with Disabilities, Individuals with Language Barriers, Ethnic or Minority Communities, Rural Communities |
Computers 2 Kids | Households at or Below 150% of the Federal Poverty Level, Aging Individuals (Age 60+), Incarcerated Individuals, Veterans, Individuals with Disabilities, Individuals with Language Barriers, Ethnic or Minority Communities, Rural Communities |
Connected California Digital Navigators | Households at or Below 150% of the Federal Poverty Level, Aging Individuals (Age 60+), Veterans, Individuals with Disabilities, Individuals with Language Barriers, Ethnic or Minority Communities, Rural Communities, LGBTQIA, Women |
Corporation for Education Network Initiatives in California | Households at or Below 150% of the Federal Poverty Level, Aging Individuals (Age 60+), Incarcerated Individuals, Veterans, Individuals with Disabilities, Individuals with Language Barriers, Ethnic or Minority Communities, Rural Communities |
County of San Luis Obispo Public Libraries | Households at or Below 150% of the Federal Poverty Level, Aging Individuals (Age 60+), Incarcerated Individuals, Veterans, Individuals with Disabilities, Individuals with Language Barriers, Ethnic or Minority Communities, Rural Communities, LGBTQIA, Women |
Curry Senior Center | Aging Individuals (Age 60+), Veterans, Individuals with Disabilities, Individuals with Language Barriers, Ethnic or Minority Communities |
Delta Sierra Adult Education Alliance | Households at or Below 150% of the Federal Poverty Level, Aging Individuals (Age 60+), Veterans, Individuals with Disabilities, Individuals with Language Barriers, Ethnic or Minority Communities, Rural Communities, LGBTQIA, Women |
DeMarsh and Associates | Households at or Below 150% of the Federal Poverty Level, Aging Individuals (Age 60+), Incarcerated Individuals, Veterans, Individuals with Disabilities, Individuals with Language Barriers, Ethnic or Minority Communities, Rural Communities, LGBTQIA, Women |
Destination Crenshaw | Households at or Below 150% of the Federal Poverty Level, Aging Individuals (Age 60+), Veterans, Individuals with Disabilities, Ethnic or Minority Communities, LGBTQIA, Women |
Easterseals Southern California, Inc | Households at or Below 150% of the Federal Poverty Level, Aging Individuals (Age 60+), Veterans, Individuals with Disabilities, Individuals with Language Barriers, Ethnic or Minority Communities |
EveryoneOn | Households at or Below 150% of the Federal Poverty Level, Aging Individuals (Age 60+), Incarcerated Individuals, Individuals with Language Barriers, Ethnic or Minority Communities |
Felton Institute | Households at or Below 150% of the Federal Poverty Level, Aging Individuals (Age 60+), Incarcerated Individuals, Veterans, Individuals with Disabilities, Individuals with Language Barriers, Ethnic or Minority Communities, Rural Communities, LGBTQIA, Women |
Gray Area Foundation for the Arts | Households at or Below 150% of the Federal Poverty Level, Aging Individuals (Age 60+), Veterans, Individuals with Disabilities, Ethnic or Minority Communities, LGBTQIA, Women |
Highlands Community Charter School | Households at or Below 150% of the Federal Poverty Level, Aging Individuals (Age 60+), Individuals with Disabilities, Individuals with Language Barriers, Ethnic or Minority Communities |
Human-I-T | Households at or Below 150% of the Federal Poverty Level, Aging Individuals (Age 60+), Incarcerated Individuals, Veterans, Individuals with Disabilities, Individuals with Language Barriers, Ethnic or Minority Communities, Rural Communities |
Mental Health Association of San Francisco | Individuals with Disabilities, Individuals with Language Barriers, Ethnic or Minority Communities |
Kern County Aging and Adult Services Department | Households at or Below 150% of the Federal Poverty Level, Aging Individuals (Age 60+), Veterans, Individuals with Disabilities, Individuals with Language Barriers, Ethnic or Minority Communities, Rural Communities, LGBTQIA, Women |
Monterey County Free Libraries | Households at or Below 150% of the Federal Poverty Level, Aging Individuals (Age 60+), Veterans, Individuals with Language Barriers, Ethnic or Minority Communities, Rural Communities, LGBTQIA, Women |
NextGen Policy | Households at or Below 150% of the Federal Poverty Level, Incarcerated Individuals, Individuals with Language Barriers, Ethnic or Minority Communities, Rural Communities |
NPower | Households at or Below 150% of the Federal Poverty Level, Aging Individuals (Age 60+), Veterans, Individuals with Disabilities, Ethnic or Minority Communities |
Office of Community and Economic Development at California State University, Fresno | Households at or Below 150% of the Federal Poverty Level, Aging Individuals (Age 60+), Veterans, Individuals with Language Barriers, Ethnic or Minority Communities, Rural Communities |
Outreach and Technical Assistance Network | Households at or Below 150% of the Federal Poverty Level, Aging Individuals (Age 60+), Incarcerated Individuals, Veterans, Individuals with Disabilities, Individuals with Language Barriers, Ethnic or Minority Communities, Rural Communities, LGBTQIA, Women |
Palo Verde River Consortium | Households at or Below 150% of the Federal Poverty Level, Aging Individuals (Age 60+), Incarcerated Individuals, Veterans, Individuals with Disabilities, Individuals with Language Barriers, Ethnic or Minority Communities, Rural Communities, LGBTQIA, Women |
Pleasanton Public Library | Households at or Below 150% of the Federal Poverty Level, Aging Individuals (Age 60+), Veterans, Individuals with Disabilities, Individuals with Language Barriers, Ethnic or Minority Communities, LGBTQIA, Women |
Pomona Unified School District | Households at or Below 150% of the Federal Poverty Level, Individuals with Disabilities, Individuals with Language Barriers, Ethnic or Minority Communities, LGBTQIA, Women |
Sacramento County Office of Education | Households at or Below 150% of the Federal Poverty Level, Aging Individuals (Age 60+), Incarcerated Individuals, Veterans, Individuals with Disabilities, Individuals with Language Barriers, Ethnic or Minority Communities, Rural Communities |
San Francisco Department of Disability and Aging Services | Households at or Below 150% of the Federal Poverty Level, Aging Individuals (Age 60+), Veterans, Individuals with Disabilities, Individuals with Language Barriers, Ethnic or Minority Communities, LGBTQIA |
San Francisco Public Library | Households at or Below 150% of the Federal Poverty Level, Aging Individuals (Age 60+), Incarcerated Individuals, Veterans, Individuals with Disabilities, Individuals with Language Barriers, Ethnic or Minority Communities, LGBTQIA, Women |
San Jose Public Library | Households at or Below 150% of the Federal Poverty Level, Aging Individuals (Age 60+), Veterans, Individuals with Disabilities, Individuals with Language Barriers, Ethnic or Minority Communities |
San Mateo County Libraries | Not specified |
Santa Barbara Foundation | Not specified |
Santa Monica Public Library | Households at or Below 150% of the Federal Poverty Level, Aging Individuals (Age 60+), Veterans, Individuals with Language Barriers, Ethnic or Minority Communities, LGBTQIA, Women |
Self-Help for the Elderly | Households at or Below 150% of the Federal Poverty Level, Aging Individuals (Age 60+), Individuals with Disabilities, Individuals with Language Barriers, Ethnic or Minority Communities, Rural Communities |
Social Justice Collaborative | Households at or Below 150% of the Federal Poverty Level, Individuals with Language Barriers, Ethnic or Minority Communities, Rural Communities, Women |
Southern California Association of Governments | Households at or Below 150% of the Federal Poverty Level, Aging Individuals (Age 60+), Incarcerated Individuals, Veterans, Individuals with Disabilities, Individuals with Language Barriers, Ethnic or Minority Communities, Rural Communities |
Stanislaus County Library | Households at or Below 150% of the Federal Poverty Level, Aging Individuals (Age 60+), Incarcerated Individuals, Veterans, Individuals with Disabilities, Individuals with Language Barriers, Ethnic or Minority Communities, Rural Communities, LGBTQIA, Women |
State Council on Developmental Disabilities, Sequoia Office | Households at or Below 150% of the Federal Poverty Level, Aging Individuals (Age 60+), Incarcerated Individuals, Veterans, Individuals with Disabilities, Individuals with Language Barriers, Ethnic or Minority Communities, Rural Communities |
TechEmpower | Households at or Below 150% of the Federal Poverty Level, Rural Communities |
The Central Valley Urban Institute | Households at or Below 150% of the Federal Poverty Level, Aging Individuals (Age 60+), Incarcerated Individuals, Veterans, Individuals with Disabilities, Individuals with Language Barriers, Ethnic or Minority Communities, Rural Communities |
Thousand Oaks Library | Households at or Below 150% of the Federal Poverty Level, Aging Individuals (Age 60+), Incarcerated Individuals, Veterans, Individuals with Disabilities, Individuals with Language Barriers, Ethnic or Minority Communities, Rural Communities, LGBTQIA, Women |
Ventura County Library | Households at or Below 150% of the Federal Poverty Level, Aging Individuals (Age 60+), Veterans, Individuals with Disabilities, Individuals with Language Barriers, Ethnic or Minority Communities, Rural Communities, LGBTQIA, Women |
Appendix I – DEEM Respondents
Respondents | |
#OaklandUndivided | Le Grand High Union School District |
A Brighter Side LLC | League of United Latin American Citizens Council 3072 |
ABC Adult School | Learn4Life Charter Schools, North Region |
Acalanes Adult Education | Lekindracy Group, LLC |
ACLU of Northern California | LISTA NorCal |
Alameda Adult School | Little Brothers Friends of the Elderly, San Francisco |
Alameda County Developmental Disabilities Council | Live Violence Free |
Alameda County Public Health MPCAH Dept | Loaves, Fishes and Computers |
Alhambra Civic Center Library | LOCAL 1184 |
Alpine County | Lompoc Public Library System |
Alzheimer’s Los Angeles | Los Amigos de la Comunidad |
American Association of Retired Persons, California | Los Amigos de la Comunidad, Inc |
American GI Forum Education Foundation | Los Angeles County Library |
Anaheim Public Library | Los Angeles Unified School District |
Aphasia Center of California | Lucia Mar Unified School District |
Apple Valley Adult School | Lynwood Unified School District |
Area 1 Agency on Aging | Marin Asian Advocacy Project |
Area Agency on Aging | Marin County Digital Marin |
Ashby Village | Marin Promise Partnership |
Asian Americans for Housing and Environmental Justice | Mariposa County Library |
Bay Area Electric Railroad Association | Martinez Adult Education |
Bay Area Video Coalition Inc | Mattole Valley Resource Center |
Bayview Hunters Point YMCA | Mendocino County Library |
Be Smart Media | Mental Health Association of San Francisco |
Beaumont Adult School | Merced County Library |
Beaumont Library District | Merced County Office of Education |
Beaumont Unified School District | Metta Fund |
Benicia Public Library | Milpitas Unified School District |
Binational of Central California | Mission District YMCA |
Blue Sky Center | Mitec Solutions |
Borrego Springs Revitalization Committee | Monterey Bay Central Labor Council |
Brawley Public Library | Monterey Bay Economic Partnership |
Broadband Consortium Pacific Coast | Monterey County Free Libraries |
Building Skills Partnership | Monterey Fire Safe Council |
Butte County Administration | Morgan Hill Community Adult School |
Butte County Public Library | Mount San Jacinto College Adult Education Program |
Cal Poly Humboldt | Mountain Lakes Estates Homeowners Association |
Calaveras County Economic and Community Development | Multilot Corporation |
Calbright College | Murrieta Valley Adult School |
California Correctional Health Care Services | National Latino Research Center |
California Council on Developmental Disabilities | Neighborhood House of Calexico |
California Department of Education | netElastic Systems, Inc. |
California Department of Education, The Adult Education Office | NextGen Policy |
California Department of Health Care Services | NICOS Chinese Health Coalition |
California Department of Housing and Community Development | North Bay North Coast Broadband Consortium |
California Department of Technology, Office of Broadband and Digital Literacy | North State Planning and Development Collective |
California Emerging Technology Fund | North State Planning and Development Collective, California State University, Chico |
California Energy Commission | Npower |
California Forward | Nu Communications Alliance |
California LifeLine Program | Oakland Digital Arts and Literacy Center Inc |
California Museum | Office of Community and Economic Development at California State University, Fresno |
California Office of Data and Innovation | Ohlone College Tri-Cities Career Center |
California Public Utilities Commission | Om Networks |
California State Association of Counties | On Lok 30th Street Senior Center |
California State Library | Openhouse |
California State University | Orland Free Library |
California State University, Dominguez Hills | Outreach and Technical Assistance Network |
California State University, Fresno | Oxnard Public Library |
California State University, Fullerton | PACEs Connection |
California State University, Sacramento | Palo Alto Adult School |
Calistoga Joint Unified School District | Palo Verde River Consortium |
Caltrans | Parents for Public Schools of San Francisco |
Campbell Adult and Community Education | Paso Robles City Library |
CDP Rural Caucus | Pleasanton Public Library |
CENIC | Plumas-Sierra Telecommunications |
Center for Elders Independence | poieto |
Center For Employment Opportunities | Pomona Unified School District |
Central Unified School District | Positive Resource Center |
Central Valley Regional Center | Project Rebound |
Chinatown Service Center | Public Policy Institute of California |
Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association | Quechan Indian Tribe of the Fort Yuma Indian Reservation |
Chula Vista Public Library | Ramona Senior and Community Center |
City of Bell Gardens | RAMS Inc |
City of Bell Gardens, Community Family Service Center | Reading and Beyond |
City of Brawley | Redlands Adult School |
City of Fairfield | Riverside County Library System |
City of Fort Bragg | Rogue Mobile |
City of Glendale | Roseville Housing Authority |
City of Maywood | Rural County Representatives of California |
City of Moreno Valley | Sacramento City College |
City of Oceanside, California | Sacramento County Office of Education |
City of Roseville | Saint Anthony Foundation |
City of Roseville Parks, Recreation and Libraries Department | Saint Helena Public Library |
City of San Bernardino | Saint Mary’s Center WeConnect Program |
City of San Luis Obispo | Salinas City Elementary School District |
City of Santa Maria Public Library | San Benito County Business Council |
City of Santa Paula | San Benito County Office of Education |
CityServe of the Tri-Valey | San Diego Association of Governments |
Clinica Monsenor Oscar A. Romero | San Diego County |
Clovis Adult Education | San Diego County Library |
Collaborative Intelligent Operation of Networks As-A-Service | San Diego Futures Foundation |
College School District | San Diego Housing Commission |
Common Sense Media | San Diego Refugee Communities Coalition |
Community Action Partnership of Sonoma County | San Diego Second Chance Program |
Community Association of Big Sur | San Francisco Department of Disability and Aging Services |
Community Emergency Response Team, Madera County | San Francisco Metropolitan Internet Exchange |
Community Living Campaign | San Francisco Public Library |
Community Solutions | San Francisco Tech Council |
Community Tech Network | San Joaquin Drug |
Comptche Broadband Committee | San Joaquin Valley Regional Broadband Consortia, Fresno State Parent University, Fresno State Connect, and Fresno State REFRESH |
Computers 2 Kids | San Jose Public Library |
Computers 4 Kids | San Lorenzo Valley Unified School District |
Connected California Digital Navigators | San Mateo County Libraries |
Contra Costa County Department of Conservation and Development | Santa Barbara County Association of Governments |
Corona-Norco Adult School | Santa Barbara Foundation |
Corporation for Education Network Initiatives in California | Santa Clara County Department of Family and Children’s Services |
Council on Aging Services for Seniors | Santa Clara County Office of Education |
County of Amador | Santa Cruz City Schools |
County of Inyo, CA | Santa Cruz County Office of Education |
County of Riverside | Santa Monica Public Library |
County of San Luis Obispo Public Libraries | Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District |
County of Santa Cruz | SD Access 4 All, San Diego |
County of Tuolumne | SEIU Local 2015 |
County of Ventura | Self-Help for the Elderly |
Covered California | Senior and Disability Action |
Coyote Valley Band of Pomo Indians | Sentry Living Solutions |
Cultiva La Salud | Sequoia Living/San Francisco Senior Center |
Culver City Adult School | Shoreline Unified School District |
Curry Senior Center | Sierra Business Council |
Delta Sierra Adult Education Alliance | Silicon Valley Education Foundation |
DeMarsh and Associates | Siskiyou County Library |
Department of Health and Human Services, Indian Health Service | Siskiyou Telephone |
Destination Crenshaw | Sky Valley Network LLC |
Digital Equity For All | SLV Fiber |
Digitunity | Social Justice Collaborative |
Eastern Sierra Area Agency on Aging | Solano County |
Easterseals Southern California, Inc | Sonoma County Economic Development Board |
Economic Development Collaborative | Sourcewise |
Education and Leadership Foundation | South Bay Cities Council of Governments |
Education SuperHighway | Southeast Community Development Corporation |
EntreNous Youth Empowerment Services | Southern Border Broadband Consortium |
EveryoneOn | Southern California Association of Governments |
Ewiiaapaayp Band of Kumeyaay Indians | Spectrum Community Services, Inc. |
Fairfield-Suisun Adult School | Stanislaus County Aging and Veteran Services |
Families In Schools | Stanislaus County Library |
Family Service Agency | State Council On Developmental Disabilities, Sequoia Office |
Felton Institute | State of California Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development |
Fighting Back Partnership, Inc. | State of California, Employment Development Department |
First 5 | Sunrun |
Fontana Unified School District | Tahoe Prosperity Center |
Fremont Adult and Continuing Education | Tahoe Truckee Community Adult School |
Front Porch | Tech Exchange |
Frontier Communications | TechEmpower |
GANAS | The Arc of California |
Geeks Without Frontiers | The Arc San Francisco |
Geyserville Chamber of Commerce | The Central Valley Urban Institute |
Golden Oak Adult School | The Foundation for California Community Colleges |
Golden State Network | The Greenlining Institute |
Golden Valley Unified School District | The Heart of Ida |
Goodwill SOLAC Computer Skills Training Program | Thompson Housing, LLC |
Governor’s Office of Emergency Services | Thousand Oaks Library |
Gray Area Foundation for the Arts | Torrance Adult School |
Great Harvest Community Center | Tulare County |
Greenfield Walking Group | Tulare County Office of Education |
Guadalupe Business Association | Tuolumne County Public Health Department |
Healing and Justice Center | Union of Pan Asian Communities |
Healthy Families Alameda County | United Way California Capital Region |
Help Me Help You | United Way of Santa Cruz County |
Hesperia Unified School District, Hesperia Adult School | United Way, Merced County |
Highlands Community Charter School | United Ways of California |
Human Response Network | University of California |
Human Services Agency, Ventura County | University of Southern California |
Human Works Foundation | Unwired Broadband |
Human-I-T | Urban Collaborative Project |
Humboldt 101 | Vallejo Adult School |
Humboldt 101 Radio | Valley Voices |
iFoster | Ventura County |
Immigrant Legal Resource Center | Ventura County Area Agency on Aging |
Imperial County Office of Education | Ventura County Library |
Imperial Valley Economic Development Corporation | Vermont Slauson Economic Development Corporation |
Indian Health Council, Inc | Vi at La Jolla Village |
Information technology central- public library | Viasat Inc |
International Rescue Committee | Winters Joint Unified School District |
Jenny’s Helpers | Women’s Economic Ventures |
Joint Venture Silicon Valley | WorkForceG |
Kern County Aging and Adult Services Department | Yolo County Library |
Kickstart Coding LLC | Yorba Linda Public Library |
KMUD Redwood Community Radio | Young Women’s Christian Association, Glendale and Pasadena |
La Familia | Yucaipa Adult School |
Appendix J – DEEM ISP Respondents
Internet Service Provider | Participate in ACP? | Do they have a low-cost offer? |
Anza Electric Cooperative | Yes | Yes |
AT&T | Yes | Yes | | Yes | Yes |
Catalina Broadband Solutions LLC | Yes | No |
Charter | Yes | Yes |
Comcast | Yes | Yes |
Conifer Communications | No | No |
Cox Communications | Yes | Yes |
Cruzio Internet | Yes | Yes |
Frontier | Yes | |
Hollywood Backdoor Alliance United, Inc. | No | No |
Horizon Cable | ||
Lone Pine Communications | Yes | No |
Matrix Broadband | Yes | Yes |
Mediacom LLC | Yes | Yes |
Monkey Brains | ||
Oasis Broadband | Yes | No |
Ranch WiFi LLC | Yes | Yes |
Sierra Nevada Communications | No | No |
Siskiyou Telephone | ||
Sky Valley Network LLC | No | No |
Sonic | ||
SpaceX | Yes | No |
Spectrum Pacific West, LLC | Yes | Yes |
Stream IT Networks | No | No |
T-Mobile | Yes | |
Ukiah Wireless | Yes | Yes |
Unwired Broadband LLC | No | No |
Velociter Wireless Inc | Yes | No |
Velocity Communications | No | Yes |
Verizon | Yes | |
Zavala Communications LLC | Yes | Yes |
Zinnia Networks Inc dba Matrix Broadband |
Appendix K – Statewide Planning Group Members and Meeting Dates
Digital Equity Statewide Planning Group Member Organizations
California Broadband Council Members | Eight Covered Populations and Outcome Area Experts |
Department of Technology Public Utilities Commission Governor’s Office of Emergency Services Department of Education Department of General Services Department of Transportation California Emerging Technology Fund Department of Food & Agriculture California State Library Governor’s Office of Tribal Affairs | Department of Housing & Community Development Department of Correctional Rehabilitation Department of Public Health Services GO-Biz Government Operations Agency Department of Veterans Affairs Department of Aging Department of Rehabilitation Labor and Workforce Development Agency Rural Counties Representative of California Office of Data and Innovation |
Digital Equity Statewide Planning Group Meeting Dates
- January 25, 2023
- April 26, 2023
- July 26, 2023
- October 25, 2023
Appendix L – Outcome Area Working Group Convenings
Outcome Area Working Group | Date of Meetings | Number of Entities Engaged |
Health | February 16, 2023 | 179 registrants |
Health | March 16, 2023 | 136 registrants |
Health | May 18, 2023 | 80 registrants |
Health | June 15, 2023 | 103 registrants |
Education | February 14, 2023 | 129 registrants |
Education | March 14, 2023 | 133 registrants |
Education | May 16, 2023 | 80 registrants |
Education | June 13, 2023 | 103 registrants |
Digital Literacy and Inclusion | February 15, 2023 | 146 registrants |
Digital Literacy and Inclusion | March 15, 2023 | 139 registrants |
Digital Literacy and Inclusion | May 17, 2023 | 94 registrants |
Digital Literacy and Inclusion | June 14, 2023 | 156 registrants |
Essential Services, Accessibility, and Civic Engagement | February 16, 2023 | 114 registrants |
Essential Services, Accessibility, and Civic Engagement | March 16, 2023 | 217 registrants |
Essential Services, Accessibility, and Civic Engagement | May 18, 2023 | |
Essential Services, Accessibility, and Civic Engagement | June 15, 2023 | 180 registrants |
Workforce and Economic Development | February 15, 2023 | 121 registrants |
Workforce and Economic Development | March 15, 2023 | 125 registrants |
Workforce and Economic Development | May 17, 2023 | 85 registrants |
Workforce and Economic Development | June 14, 2023 | 103 registrants |
Tribal Collaboration | February 17, 2023 | 81 registrants |
Tribal Collaboration | March 21, 2023 | 108 registrants |
Tribal Collaboration | May 16, 202 | 83 registrants |
Tribal Collaboration | July 28, 2023 | 57 registrants |
Appendix M – Outcome Area Working Group Co-Chairs
Working groups
Priority Areas | Co-Chairs | Key Parties |
Education |
Health |
Digital Literacy and Inclusion |
Civic Engagement, Essential Services and Accessibility |
Economic and Workforce Development |
Tribal Collaboration |
Appendix N – Statewide Digital Equity Telephone Survey Methodology
The statewide telephone survey, conducted by the University of Southern California and coordinated by the California Emerging Technology Fund, reached more than 3,200 residents across the state by both cell and landline home phone numbers. It is the largest randomized sample ever conducted to determine the status of digital equity in the state.
The telephone survey is the random sample of all California residents to provide an accurate, statistically reliable data set about the status of Internet connectivity for input into the Digital Equity Plan. The telephone survey aimed to identify the unique challenges of those with limited or no access to broadband internet and digital resources. By conducting a widespread randomized telephone survey, the State captured insights directly from residents, ensuring their voices were heard and their specific digital equity needs were considered.
The survey questions included a focus on understanding Californians’ awareness of, and enrollment in, discount internet and subsidy programs such as the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP). The survey asked questions about connectivity status, telehealth use, digital skills, internet costs, and reliability and satisfaction with internet services. The telephone survey also gathered data on barriers preventing individuals and households from accessing broadband, such as affordability issues, geographical limitations, or a lack of awareness about available resources. It was designed to assess the digital needs and challenges faced by covered populations throughout California. Respondents were also asked a series of demographic questions to establish the respondent’s demographic characteristics and understand household-level characteristics.
The study is based on a multimodal methodology that combines RDD (random digit dialing) with text-to-web responses. Telephone interviews were conducted using a random digit-dialing (RDD) methodology that combined landline numbers and cell phone numbers, to obtain the most representative sample possible of all residents. Cell phone numbers included California area codes as well as non-California area codes to account for residents who migrated from out of state and retained their mobile number. Enriched data sources that are continuously updated and validated by over 200 authoritative sources were leveraged to confirm that all mobile numbers were within the state of California.
CDT decided to double the 2023 telephone survey sample to 3,200 households to “oversample” specific covered populations identified in IIJA, especially rural residents, low-income households, and people with disabilities. Specifically, surveys were conducted with phone numbers associated with rural counties to increase the number of respondents that are rural residents, with prepaid cell phone numbers to increase the number of low-income respondents, and with a list drawn from the California Department of Rehabilitation to increase the number of respondents with a reported disability.
A text-to-web campaign was further conducted from May 25, 2023, to June 21, 2023, that supplemented the telephone (RDD) data collection. A text message was sent to non-responders from the initial telephone attempt with a link to complete the questionnaire via web. This resulted in a multimodal survey (RDD + text-to-web).
Appendix O – Statewide Telephone Survey: Summary of Telephone Data Collection
Telephone survey type | Total | Cell | Land | Asian | Pre-paid |
Total Records | 99,053 | 85,000 | 2,988 | 6,000 | 5,065 |
Total Surveys Completed (A) | 1,000 | 804 | 35 | 100 | 61 |
Total Basic Surveys | 249 | 196 | 10 | 20 | 23 |
Basic Surveys – Refused to finish |
93 | 71 | 6 | 9 | 7 |
Basic Surveys – Not reached to finish |
156 | 125 | 4 | 11 | 16 |
Refused to Participate / Opt-Out (B) | 6,083 | 5,063 | 132 | 458 | 430 |
Invalid Contact Information (C) | 17,821 | 14,827 | 1,605 | 572 | 817 |
Language Problem (D) | 151 | 121 | 8 | 14 | 8 |
Not Available for duration of study (E) | 71,787 | 62,380 | 1,178 | 4,632 | 3,597 |
Not eligible for Study (F) | 2,211 | 1,805 | 30 | 224 | 152 |
COOPERATION RATE 1 (AAPOR)= (A)/(A+B+D) | 14 | 13 | 20 | 17 | 12 |
RESPONSE RATE 1 (AAPOR)= (A)/(A+B+D+E) | 1% | 1% | 3% | 2% | 1% |
Appendix P – Statewide Telephone Survey: Four Neighbor Regions and Corresponding Sample Size
Neighbor Regions | Counties | Rural Counties Oversample | Main Sample + Rural Counties Oversample) |
Neighbor Regions 1 North West |
Redwood Coast:
287 | 343 |
Neighbor Regions 2 North East |
296 | 379 |
Neighbor Regions 3 Central East |
San Joaquin Valley:
274 | 472 |
Neighbor Regions 4 South West |
Central Coast:
202 | 258 |
Totals of rural county oversamples and main sample plus rural county oversamples. | 1,059 rural county oversamples total | 1,452 main sample plus rural county oversamples total |
Appendix Q – Statewide Telephone Survey: Covered Populations Distribution
Appendix R – Statewide Digital Equity Online Public Survey Methodology
A fully accessible, mobile-friendly, audio-enabled online public survey was made available in fourteen (14) languages to accommodate individuals with visual impairments, limited literacy, and limited English proficiency. The online public survey also included access to an internet speed test function for users to test their connectivity speeds.
The online public survey aligns with the telephone survey and was vetted by over 40 state agencies and nonprofit organizations before posting online. The survey was live from May 18, 2023, to July 15, 2023, and it was promoted widely through social media, emails to stakeholders, newsletters, and outreach to ethnic media outlets. Several entities assisted by promoting the online public survey to their membership base via text and email campaigns, including AARP, Communication Workers of America Union (CWA), Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC), the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG), and L.A. County Internal Services Department (LA ISD).
The online public survey had a total reach of 43,432, and as of July 15, 2023, closed with 40,048 responses, including responses from all 58 of California’s counties.
Detailed analysis of the online public survey data required data cleaning (eliminating invalid responses) to ensure the legitimacy of the data used in the needs assessment. For public survey data (both online and paper surveys), the methodology used for data cleaning was based on the following criteria:
- Respondents answered “Yes” to being a resident of California and above the age of 18.
- Respondents answered with a ZIP code that belongs to California for the question asking the same.
- Respondents answered one or more questions beyond the demographics section.
Respondents who answered “No” to item #1 and respondents who may have answered “Yes” to item #1 but failed to respond to any other question apart from demographic questions in the survey were eliminated as invalid responses.
Respondents who answered “Yes” to item #1 but did not answer the ZIP code question (which was optional) were not eliminated if they answered at least one or more questions in the survey, apart from the demographic questions (total of 105 such respondents).
Each response was assigned a county based on the ZIP code they entered. For ZIP codes that traverse across county boundaries, the county encompassing the larger area of that ZIP code was assigned.
If a Respondent did not answer the ZIP code question, they were not assigned a county but included in the non-geographic analysis of the data.
The speed test data was collected using an M-Lab-based speed test solution linked to the online public survey. Each speed test respondent was assigned a county based on the zip code they answered, as described above.
After a thorough data scrubbing process, the final number of total valid responses for the online public survey was 36,273.
Appendix S – Statewide Digital Equity Online Public Survey: Respondents by Language
Language | # of Responses | Percent of all Responses |
English | 39,353 | 91% |
Spanish | 2,445 | 6% |
Simplified Chinese | 736 | 2% |
Traditional Chinese | 346 | 1% |
Arabic | 137 | 0.3% |
Vietnamese | 111 | 0.3% |
Persian | 61 | 0.1% |
Korean | 59 | 0.1% |
Tagalog | 58 | 0.1% |
Russian | 58 | 0.1% |
Japanese | 40 | 0.1% |
Khmer | 14 | – |
Punjabi | 13 | – |
Armenian | 1 | – |
Appendix T – Statewide Digital Equity Online Public Survey: Respondents by Covered Population

Appendix U – Statewide Digital Equity Online Public Survey: Respondents by County of Residence
Online Public Survey Responses by County
County | Respondent totals |
San Diego | 10,966 |
Los Angeles | 3,023 |
Mendocino | 1,132 |
San Francisco | 1,039 |
El Dorado | 1,132 |
Tuolumne | 889 |
Sacramento | 789 |
Shasta | 724 |
Santa Clara | 716 |
Orange | 654 |
Santa Barbara | 645 |
Nevada | 615 |
Riverside | 599 |
Alameda | 583 |
Placer | 578 |
Monterey | 554 |
Humboldt | 547 |
Madera | 530 |
San Bernardino | 527 |
Calaveras | 514 |
Santa Cruz | 509 |
Butte | 489 |
Merced | 457 |
Fresno | 451 |
Contra Costa | 447 |
Inyo | 409 |
Sonoma | 405 |
Yuba | 348 |
Sutter | 340 |
San Benito | 308 |
San Mateo | 300 |
Solano | 290 |
Ventura | 279 |
Kings | 276 |
San Luis Obispo | 273 |
Trinity | 270 |
Lake | 267 |
Tulare | 267 |
Imperial | 263 |
Siskiyou | 237 |
San Joaquin | 226 |
Yolo | 224 |
Del Norte | 210 |
Napa | 205 |
Kern | 198 |
Plumas | 183 |
Stanislaus | 183 |
Sierra | 174 |
Mono | 156 |
Alpine | 146 |
Amador | 141 |
Lassen | 138 |
Marin | 130 |
Colusa | 121 |
Tehama | 109 |
Mariposa | 36 |
Glenn | 33 |
Modoc | 10 |
Unanswered | 106 |
Appendix V – Digital Equity Ecosystem Mapping (DEEM) Methodology
The data cleaning process for the Digital Equity Ecosystem Mapping (DEEM) involved a straightforward method. To clean the data, the internal data team considered the following:
- Test responses were removed from the survey. Test responses were identifiable based on the first set of columns that asked respondents about their organization, name, and point of contacts. Those who responded as part of the internal survey team were removed from the final dataset. Additionally, organizations or entries that denoted ‘test’ or any similar responses were removed from the survey.
- An organization’s entry was deemed ‘valid’ if the first set of columns (such as name, point of contact, email, etc.) had real information within them.
Appendix W –- Regional Planning Workshops
Date | Broadband for All, Digital Equity, and BEAD Planning Workshops | Registrants |
April 14 | San Joaquin Valley – North (Merced) | 90 |
April 15 | San Joaquin Valley – Central/South (Fresno) | 90 |
April 21 | Southern Border (San Diego) | 121 |
April 27 | Northeastern – Upstate (Chico) | 59 |
April 28 | North Bay North Coast (Santa Rosa) | 101 |
May 3 | Redwood Coast (Eureka) | 91 |
May 5 | Silicon Valley (San Jose) | 133 |
May 11 | Connected Capital Region (Sacramento) | 205 |
May 12 | Gold Country (Grass Valley) | 126 |
May 16 | Inland Empire (San Bernadino) | 114 |
May 19 | Los Angeles (South Los Angeles) | 182 |
May 20 | Los Angeles (Long Beach) | 67 |
May 24 | Orange County (Santa Ana) | 93 |
May 30 | Central and Eastern Sierra (Tuolumne) | 93 |
June 1 | Pacific Coast (Santa Maria) | 155 |
June 2 | Central Coast (Seaside) | 163 |
June 8 | Bay Area (Oakland) | 229 |
June 20 | Tribal Consultation – Northern CA (Redding) | 25 |
June 22 | Tribal Consultation – Central CA (Porterville) | 13 |
June 27 | Tribal Consultation – Southern CA (El Cajon) | 36 |
July 12 | Statewide Tribal Consultation – Virtual | 85 |
Appendix X – Standard Regional Planning Workshop Agenda
Broadband for All, Digital Equity, and BEAD Regional Workshops
Simplified Agenda
Agenda Item | Duration |
1. Welcome and Introductions
20 minutes |
2. Kick-Off Leadership Engagement: Biggest Challenges to Digital Equity | 5 minutes |
3. Kick-Off Leadership Engagement: Biggest Challenges to Digital Equity
15 minutes |
4. Lived Experiences from Covered Populations (2-Minute Remarks from 6 Residents) | 15 minutes |
5. Small Work Group Conversations: Digital Equity Barriers and Challenges for 8 Covered Populations
1 hour |
6. Small Group Conversations: 6 Policy Outcome Areas
1 hour |
7. Calls to Action – Outcomes
4 minutes |
Break: Concurrent Focused Working Sessions (A or B) Food and refreshments will be provided. | 1-2 hours |
1. Working Session A – Broadband Infrastructure Deployment |
2. Working Session B – Affordability and Adoption |
Appendix Y – Meetings Conducted Throughout the Planning Process
Title of Meeting | Date | Engagement Type |
WIC Healthcare, Data and Linkages | 12/1/2022 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Central Valley Community Foundation (Council of Business Sponsors) Meeting | 12/2/2022 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Selwyn Hollins, Director, Internal Services Department, County of Los Angeles | 12/2/2022 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
CDT, PUC | 12/2/2022 | Meeting/Presentation |
LA DEAL | 12/5/2022 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Brydge/HarmonyHealth | 12/7/2022 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
CDT, NTIA | 12/7/2022 | Meeting/Presentation |
California Coverage and Health Initiatives (CCHI) | 12/8/2022 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
OAWG-Civic Engagement, Essential Services, Accessibility Co-Chairs Planning Meeting | 12/8/2022 | Meeting/Presentation |
CDFA State Fair Directors | 12/8/2022 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
NGA Broadband Advisors Network Call | 12/13/2022 | Meeting/Presentation |
OAWG- Health Co-Chairs Planning Meeting | 12/13/2022 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
OAWG- Workforce and Economic Development Co-Chairs Planning Meeting | 12/14/2022 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
OAWG- Digital Literacy & Inclusion Co-Chairs Planning Meeting | 12/14/2022 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
California State Library | 12/16/2022 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
OAWG- Education Co-Chairs Planning Meeting | 12/16/2022 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
State Agency/ISP Broadband Adoption Coordinating Meeting | 12/16/2022 | Meeting/Presentation |
Hoopa Valley Tribe, Karuk Tribe, Yurok Tribe | 12/16/2022 | Meeting/Presentation |
CalVet | 12/20/2022 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
CDT, NTIA | 12/20/2022 | Meeting/Presentation |
Western States Pact Broadband Group | 12/20/2022 | Meeting/Presentation |
Education SuperHighway | 12/20/2022 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
CDT, NTIA | 1/11/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
AARP | 1/11/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Tribal Engagement-South Districts | 1/11/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
DDS/CDT | 1/13/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Tribal Engagement- North Districts | 1/17/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Western States Broadband Alliance | 1/17/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
CDT, NTIA (CA Team) | 1/18/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
CPUC | 1/18/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
CETF, OBDL | 1/19/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
OAWG-Tribal Collaboration | 1/19/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
State Agency/ISP Broadband Adoption Coordinating Meeting | 1/20/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
CPUC | 1/23/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
Ewiiaapaayp Band of Kumeyaay Indians | 1/24/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
CA Broadband Council | 1/25/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
NTIA/CWA | 1/25/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
Statewide Digital Equity Planning Group Meeting | 1/25/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
NTIA/CDT | 1/26/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
SF TechCouncil | 1/26/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
CWA-Union Meeting | 1/27/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
CPUC | 1/30/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
LA DEAL | 1/30/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Matthew Rantanen, Golden State Net (Tribal Collaboration) | 1/30/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Kenneth Holbrook, California Public Utilities Commission (Tribal Collaboration) | 1/31/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Vanesscia Cresci and Andrew Orosco, National Telecommunications and Information Administration (Tribal Collaboration) | 1/31/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
CDT, NTIA (CA Team) | 2/1/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities – Western States | 2/1/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Brian Court, Corporation for Education Network Initiatives in California (Tribal Collaboration) | 2/1/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
LeadingAge California | 2/2/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Yurok Tribe | 2/2/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Fresno County | 2/3/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
WPSS/Verizon | 2/3/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
California Department of Public Health (Health) | 2/3/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
CPUC | 2/6/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
CA Tribal Nations Summit | 2/6/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Barbara Hayes, Rural County Representatives of California (Tribal Collaboration) | 2/6/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Pit River Tribe | 2/7/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Julianna Robbins, CA State Libraries (Digital Literacy and Inclusion) | 2/7/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Geoff Belleau, Department of Education (Education) | 2/7/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Kellie Flores, California Office of Digital Innovation (Tribal Collaboration) | 2/7/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Julianna Robbins, California State Library (Workforce) | 2/7/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
NextGen | 2/8/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Kendra Ard, California State University (Education) | 2/8/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
California Department of Aging (Health) | 2/8/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Abby Snay, Department of Labor (Workforce) | 2/8/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Kellie Flores, CA Office of Data and Innovation (Workforce) | 2/8/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Cartesian | 2/9/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
San Diego Association of Governments | 2/9/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Anaheim USHD | 2/9/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Salton Sea Region | 2/9/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Eric Will, Rural County Representatives of CA (Digital Literacy and Inclusion) | 2/9/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Leinani Walter and Linda Gutierrez, Department of Developmental Services (Essential Services, Civic Engagement, and Accessibility) | 2/9/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Brian Cote and Kalyn Dean, California State Association of Counties (Essential Services, Civic Engagement, and Accessibility) | 2/9/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Jonathan Porat, Department of Technology (Essential Services, Civic Engagement, and Accessibility) | 2/9/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Camille Crittenden, CITRIS and the Banatao Institute, University of California (Education) | 2/9/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Chris Durr, California State Library (Education) | 2/9/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
California Health and Human Services Agency (Health) | 2/9/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Brian Carter, Department of Aging (Digital Literacy and Inclusion) | 2/10/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Jennifer Lovett, California Forward (Workforce) | 2/10/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
CPUC | 2/13/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
Karla Suomala, San Francisco Tech Council (Digital Literacy and Inclusion) | 2/13/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
California Coverage and Health Initiatives (Health) | 2/13/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Gary Bolton, Fiber Broadband Association (Workforce) | 2/13/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
NGA Broadband Advisors Network Call | 2/14/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Education Outcome Area Working Group Meeting, State Digital Equity Planning | 2/14/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
Abby Browning, Office of Emergency Services (Essential Services, Civic Engagement, and Accessibility) | 2/14/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC) (Health) | 2/14/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Insure the Uninsured Project (Health) | 2/14/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
CDT, NTIA (CA Team) | 2/15/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
Digital Literacy and Inclusion Outcome Area Working Group Meeting, State Digital Equity Planning | 2/15/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
Workforce and Economic Development Outcome Area Working Group Meeting, State Digital Equity Planning | 2/15/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
Terrance Rodgers, Rural County Representatives of California (Essential Services, Civic Engagement, and Accessibility) | 2/15/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Sherilyn Evans, CENIC, Corporation for Education Network Initiatives in California (Education) | 2/15/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Covered California (Health) | 2/15/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Marissa Canche, California Emerging Technology Fund (Digital Literacy and Inclusion) | 2/16/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Essential Services, Accessibility, and Civic Engagement Outcome Area Working Group Meeting, State Digital Equity Planning | 2/16/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
Health Outcome Area Working Group Meeting, State Digital Equity Planning | 2/16/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
State Agency/ISP Broadband Adoption Coordinating Meeting | 2/17/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
Rob Osborne, California Public Utilities Commission (Digital Literacy and Inclusion) | 2/17/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Tribal Collaboration Outcome Area Working Group Meeting, State Digital Equity Planning | 2/17/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
Damon Conklin, League of Cities (Essential Services, Civic Engagement, and Accessibility) | 2/17/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Robert Peterson, CA Department of Food and Agriculture (Covered Populations) | 2/17/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Tanya Bautista, Brian Carter, California Department of Aging (Covered Populations) | 2/17/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Western States Broadband Alliance | 2/21/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Stuart Drown, Government Operations Agency (Essential Services, Civic Engagement, and Accessibility) | 2/21/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
CDT, NTIA (CA Team) | 2/22/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
District 4 Monthly meeting | 2/22/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
CA Community Foundation – Digital Equity LA Coalition | 2/22/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
Jacob Johnson, Department of Rehabilitation (Essential Services, Civic Engagement, and Accessibility) | 2/22/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Digital Equity Los Angeles Coalition | 2/22/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
WTA Advocates for Rural Broadband | 2/23/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Digital Equity Leaders Network / State Broadband Leaders Network | 2/23/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
TechExchange | 2/23/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
California Department of Covered Rehabilitation (Covered Populations) | 2/23/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Ulises Zatarain, Ken Spence, TechExchange, NextGen (Covered Populations) | 2/23/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Verizon | 2/24/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Pam Haase, Department of Technology (Essential Services, Civic Engagement, and Accessibility) | 2/24/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Valerie Lundy-Wagner, California Community Colleges (Education) (Workforce) | 2/24/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
GoBiz (Workforce) | 2/24/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
LA DEAL | 2/27/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
CPUC | 2/27/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
Bob Burris, Rural County Representatives of California (Workforce) | 2/28/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Meeting with CalVet (Covered Populations) | 2/28/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Meeting with USDA (Covered Populations) | 2/28/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
CDT, NTIA (CA Team) | 3/1/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
CETF | 3/1/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
California Office of Data Services Web Team (Essential Services, Civic Engagement, and Accessibility) | 3/1/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
Community Connect Labs | 3/2/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Vitaliy Panych, Department of Technology (Essential Services, Civic Engagement, and Accessibility) | 3/2/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
NextGen (Workforce) | 3/2/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
CPUC | 3/6/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
Suzie Changus, California Prison Industry Authority (Covered Populations) | 3/6/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Madera County | 3/7/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Andrea Bennett, CITE (Education) | 3/7/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
CDT, NTIA | 3/8/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
California Emerging Technology Fund | 3/8/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Kami Griffiths, Community Tech Network (Digital Literacy & Inclusion) | 3/9/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Jim & Karen Hayes, Fiber Optics Association (Workforce) | 3/9/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
United Way of CA | 3/10/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Capital Region Coalition for Digital Inclusion | 3/10/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
Cultural Specialists monthly meeting, Department of Developmental Services (Essential Services, Civic Engagement, and Accessibility) | 3/10/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
United Way of California (Essential Services, Civic Engagement, and Accessibility) | 3/10/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
CITRIS Health (Health) | 3/10/2023 | Listening Session (In-person) |
Winnie Yu, Self Help For the Elderly (Digital Literacy and Inclusion) | 3/10/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
CPUC | 3/13/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
Central Valley Immigrant Integration Collaborative | 3/13/2023 | Listening Session (In-person) |
NGA Broadband Advisors Network Call | 3/14/2023 | Listening Session (In-person) |
Education Outcome Area Working Group Meeting, State Digital Equity Planning | 3/14/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
Rebecca Kauma, City of Long Beach (Digital Literacy and Inclusion) | 3/14/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (Health) | 3/14/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Hyrum Eastman, CDFA (Covered Populations) | 3/14/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
CDT, NTIA | 3/15/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Workforce and Economic Development Outcome Area Working Group Meeting, State Digital Equity Planning | 3/15/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
Digital Literacy and Inclusion Outcome Area Working Group Meeting, State Digital Equity Planning | 3/15/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
Luis Wong, Imperial County Office of Education (Education) | 3/15/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Essential Services, Accessibility, and Civic Engagement Outcome Area Working Group Meeting, State Digital Equity Planning | 3/16/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
Health Outcome Area Working Group Meeting, State Digital Equity Planning | 3/16/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
Pam Chueh, Government Operations Agency (Essential Services, Civic Engagement, and Accessibility) | 3/16/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Communication Workers of America (Workforce) | 3/16/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
State Agency/ISP Broadband Adoption Coordinating Meeting | 3/17/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
Service Access & Equity CBO Grantees monthly meeting, Department of Developmental Services (Essential Services, Civic Engagement, and Accessibility) | 3/17/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
Katie Simmons, Butte County (Essential Services, Civic Engagement, and Accessibility) | 3/17/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Thea Rittenhouse, California Department of Food and Agriculture (Covered Populations) | 3/17/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Center for Accessible Technology | 3/17/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
CPUC | 3/20/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
Bitwise Industries | 3/21/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Western States Broadband Alliance | 3/21/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
Tribal Collaboration Outcome Area Working Group Meeting, State Digital Equity Planning | 3/21/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
Bitwise Industries (Workforce) | 3/21/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
District 4 Monthly meeting | 3/22/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
California LGBTQ Health and Human Services Network (Health) | 3/22/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Astin Williams, Dannie Cesena, CA LGBTQ Health & Human Services Network (Covered Populations) | 3/22/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
NTIA/DELN | 3/23/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
GO-Biz | 3/23/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
Sade Williams, Parents in Quality Education (Education) | 3/23/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Pew Research | 3/24/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Long Beach | 3/27/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
LA Deal | 3/27/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
CPUC/ CETF Check in | 3/27/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
AARP CA | 3/27/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Strat Maloma, American Association of Retired Persons (Covered Populations) | 3/27/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Bay Area Digital Inclusion Coalition | 3/28/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Patrick Messac, Director of Oakland Undivided (Digital Literacy and Inclusion) | 3/28/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
CDT, NTIA | 3/29/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
Roberto Herrera, CalVet (Covered Populations) | 3/29/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Weekly check-in w/ CPUC | 4/3/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
Meeting with San Diego Futures Foundation | 4/3/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
CSU Fullerton | 4/3/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
CHHS | 4/4/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
CalOES | 4/4/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
CDT, NTIA (CA Team) | 4/5/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
Meeting with Adobe | 4/5/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
Dev/Mission | 4/5/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Digital Inclusion Roadmap Implementation Meeting | 4/6/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
April 2023 Digital Equity & Tribal Broadband Leaders Networks Meeting: Tribal Community Engagement & Digital Equity | 4/6/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
LA DEAL | 4/6/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Broadband for All, Digital Equity and BEAD Planning Webinar for Internet Service Providers | 4/7/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
SDEP Covered Populations Working Session, CDT and Caroline Siegal-Singh, Greenlining Institute | 4/7/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
Greenlining Institute | 4/7/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Weekly check-in w/ CPUC | 4/10/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
Oakland Undivided Check-in | 4/10/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
Dev/Mission and CA State Digital Equity Plan | 4/10/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
CPUC. APR 10 – CASF Workshop | 4/10/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
Gualcogroup. AgTED 2.0! | 4/11/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
NGA Broadband Advisors Network Call | 4/11/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Broadband Bootcamp – Insure the Uninsured Project | 4/12/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
CDT, NTIA (CA Team) | 4/12/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
NDIA | 4/12/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
San Diego Regional Planning Logistics and Communications | 4/13/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
Digital Health Equity and Access Lab (Berkeley) | 4/13/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
BB4All, DE, Bead Planning Workshop -Merced | 4/14/2023 | Listening Session (In-person) |
State Digital Equity Plan | CDT & CSU Chico | 4/14/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
CDT & Chris Burger / EAH Housing | 4/14/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
North State Planning and Development Collective (Broadband Consortia) | 4/14/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
BB4All, DE, Bead Planning Workshop -Fresno | 4/15/2023 | Listening Session (In-person) |
Weekly check-in w/ CPUC | 4/17/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Convo w/ NCTCA Re: BEAD/DE Consultation | 4/17/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
Latino Coalition for a Healthy California | 4/17/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
CA FWD Broadband Work Group: April Meeting | 4/18/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
CDT Digital Equity Planning Interview | 4/18/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Catch Up, CHCF, and Broadband for All | 4/18/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
CCHI Membership Meeting | 4/18/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
Western States Pact Broadband Group | 4/18/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
Education Superhighway | 4/18/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Hoopa Valley Public Utility District | 4/18/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Review Meeting: Broadband for All, Digital Equity, and BEAD Planning Workshop – San Diego and Imperial | 4/19/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
CDT, NTIA (CA Team) | 4/19/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
CA Digital Equity Planning Interview | 4/19/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Habematolel Pomo of Upper Lake | 4/19/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Community Connect Labs: May Digital Literacy and Inclusion Outcome Area Working Group Meeting | 4/21/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
BB4All, DE, Bead Planning Workshop -San Diego | 4/21/2023 | Listening Session (In-person) |
Weekly check-in w/ CPUC | 4/24/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
LA DEAL | 4/24/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
CDT & ICF Intro meeting | 4/24/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
[WTA Advocates for Rural Broadband] Spring Educational Forum | 4/25/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
Public Wireless Initiative / Hannah Javeri | 4/25/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Aspen Institute Latinos Digital Success and CA Deputy Director | 4/25/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
NBNC Regional Digital Equity Event Planning | 4/25/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
Northeastern-Upstate: Chico Meeting | 4/25/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
Statewide Digital Equity Planning Group Meeting | 4/25/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
Elevance Health | 4/25/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Foundation California Community Colleges | 4/25/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Public Wireless | 4/25/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
California Broadband Council Meeting | 4/26/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Digital Equity Statewide Planning Group | 4/26/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
UC Berkeley STEP | 4/26/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
BB4All, DE, Bead Planning Workshop -Chico | 4/27/2023 | Listening Session (In-person) |
CDT/Winters USD | 4/28/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Check in with San Diego Futures to discuss May Outcome Area Working Group: Digital Literacy and Inclusion | 4/28/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Winters USD | 4/28/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
CA Digital Equity Plan + Valley Vision | 5/1/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Review Meeting: Broadband for All, Digital Equity, and BEAD Planning Workshop – Silicon Valley (San Jose) | 5/2/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
BB4All, DE, Bead Planning Workshop -Eureka | 5/3/2023 | Listening Session (In-person) |
Lessons Learned For A Successful DEP/BEAD Workshop | 5/4/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
BB4All, DE, Bead Planning Workshop -Eureka | 5/5/2023 | Listening Session (In-person) |
Meeting with Self-Help for the Elderly | 5/8/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Weekly check-in w/ CPUC | 5/8/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
California Department of Technology– Sacramento Regional Meeting | 5/9/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Meeting with EAH Housing | 5/9/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Digital Equity Tele Planning Process Town Hall with AARP | 5/9/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
CDT/CalBright | 5/9/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Grass Valley Run of Show with State and Regional Partners | 5/9/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
CDT, NTIA (CA Team) | 5/10/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
K12HSN Quarterly Advisory Board Meeting | 5/10/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
Meeting with San Diego Housing Commission | 5/11/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Caltrans / Broadband Industry Webinar | 5/11/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
BB4All, DE, BEAD Planning Workshop -Sacramento | 5/11/2023 | Listening Session (In-person) |
BB4All, DE, BEAD Planning Workshop -Grass Valley | 5/12/2023 | Listening Session (In-person) |
Education- May Outcome Area Working Group Meeting | 5/16/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
Tribal- May Outcome Area Working Group Meeting 3 | 5/16/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
Western States Pact Broadband Group | 5/16/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
Monthly Intra-State IIJA Transportation Coordination Group Meeting | 5/16/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
BB4All, DE, BEAD Planning Workshop -San Bernardino | 5/16/2023 | Listening Session (In-person) |
Digital Literacy and Inclusion – May Outcome Area Working Group Meeting 3 | 5/17/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
Workforce and Economic Development – May Outcome Area Working Group Meeting 3 | 5/17/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
Health – May Outcome Area Working Group Meeting 3 | 5/18/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
Essential Services, Civic Engagement and Accessibility – May Outcome Area Working Group Meeting 3 | 5/18/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
Review Meeting: Broadband for All, Digital Equity, and BEAD Planning Workshop – South LA | 5/18/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
Review Meeting: Broadband for All, Digital Equity, and BEAD Planning Workshop – Long Beach | 5/18/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
BB4All, DE, BEAD Planning Workshop -Los Angeles | 5/19/2023 | Listening Session (In-person) |
BB4All, DE, BEAD Planning Workshop -Long Beach | 5/20/2023 | Listening Session (In-person) |
Review Meeting: Broadband for All, Digital Equity, and BEAD Planning Workshop – Seaside | 5/22/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
Review Meeting: Broadband for All, Digital Equity, and BEAD Planning Workshop – Central Sierra; Tuolumne | 5/22/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
Weekly check-in w/ CPUC | 5/22/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
Tribal Consultation Outreach | 5/22/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
Review Meeting: Broadband for All, Digital Equity, and BEAD Planning Workshop – (Santa Maria-Pacific Coast) | 5/23/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
Duplicate Online Survey for Text Campaign | CETF Davis Research<> BEP | 5/23/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
Digital Equity for Justice Involved Clients | 5/23/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
BB4All, DE, BEAD Planning Workshop – Orange County | 5/24/2023 | Listening Session (In-person) |
May 2023 Digital Equity Leaders Network Meeting: Helping Older Adults and Youth Participate in the Digital Equity Ecosystem | 5/25/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
State Agencies ACP Mobilization Meeting | 5/25/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
State Digital Equity Plans: Fostering Bank CRA Support | 5/25/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Western Regional Partnership (WRP) Tribal Engagement Committee | 5/26/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
CA Digital Equity Discussion | 5/26/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
BB4All, DE, BEAD Planning Workshop – Tuolumne | 5/30/2023 | Listening Session (In-person) |
Tribal consultation coordination | 5/30/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
CDT, NTIA (CA Team) | 5/31/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
Review Meeting: Broadband for All, Digital Equity, and BEAD Planning Workshop – Bay Area | 5/31/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
BB4All, DE, BEAD Planning Workshop – Santa Maria | 6/1/2023 | Listening Session (In-person) |
BB4All, DE, BEAD Planning Workshop – Seaside | 6/2/2023 | Listening Session (In-person) |
CA Digital Equity Discussion | 6/2/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Update on the California Department of Technology Digital Equity Initiative / Covered CA | 6/2/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
LA DEAL | 6/5/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
OC BEAD Event Debrief | 6/5/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
Digital Equity Introduction CDT & Conduent Healthy Communities Institute | 6/6/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
SBLN Special Session with the US Department of Labor | 6/6/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
CDT, NTIA (CA Team) | 6/7/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
Meeting with American GI Forum to discuss Digital Literacy and Inclusion Outcome Area Working Group | 6/7/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Digital Equity Leaders Network Deep Dive: Rural and Smaller Communities | 6/8/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
BB4All, DE, BEAD Planning Workshop – Oakland | 6/8/2023 | Listening Session (In-person) |
Tribal consultation planning-CPUC | 6/9/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
Meeting with Byte Back to discuss Digital Literacy and Inclusion Outcome Area Working Group Meeting | 6/12/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Meeting with Great Harvest Community Center to discuss Digital Literacy and Inclusion Outcome Area Working Group 6.14.23 | 6/13/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Meeting with AARP to discuss Essential Services, Civic Engagement and Accessibility OAWG | 6/13/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
SBLN Virtual Meeting #1 (2023 Series) | 6/13/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Education- June Outcome Area Working Group Meeting | 6/13/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
CDT, NTIA (CA Team) | 6/14/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
Digital Literacy and Inclusion – June Outcome Area Working Group Meeting 4 | 6/14/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
Workforce and Economic Development – June Outcome Area Working Group Meeting 4 | 6/14/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
Health – June Outcome Area Working Group Meeting 4 | 6/15/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
Essential Services, Civic Engagement and Accessibility – June Outcome Area Working Group Meeting 4 | 6/15/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
Digital Navigators Update | 6/15/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
State Agency/ISP Broadband Adoption Coordinating Meeting | 6/16/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Quick CA Survey Update with AARP | 6/16/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Weekly check-in w/ CPUC | 6/19/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
SDEP/BEAD Tribal Consultation: Northern Event | 6/20/2023 | Listening Session (In-person) |
Western States Broadband Alliance Monthly Meeting | 6/20/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
Broadband for All / Justice-Involved Programming | 6/21/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
ACP Grants Program Kickoff | 6/22/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
State Agencies ACP Mobilization Meeting | 6/22/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
SDEP/BEAD Tribal Consultation: Central Event | 6/22/2023 | Listening Session (In-person) |
Capital Region Coalition for Digital Inclusion Quarterly Meeting | 6/23/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
CDT & Canal Alliance | 6/23/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
LA DEAL | 6/26/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
SDEP/BEAD Tribal Consultation: Southern Event | 6/27/2023 | Listening Session (In-person) |
Funding Opportunities for Broadband Projects-Closing California's Digital Divide | 6/28/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
June 2023 Digital Equity Leaders Network Meeting: People with Disabilities and Incarcerated Individuals | 6/29/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Weekly check-in w/ CPUC | 7/3/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
CDT, NTIA (CA Team) | 7/5/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
Weekly check-in w/ CPUC | 7/10/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
SBLN Virtual Meeting #1 (2023 Series) | 7/11/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
CDT, NTIA (CA Team) | 7/12/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
Virtual Tribal Consultation: Statewide Engagement | 7/12/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Adobe BEAD Partnership | 7/12/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
Western States Broadband Alliance Monthly Meeting | 7/18/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
CENIC Annual Board Retreat | 7/19/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
CDT/ODI ACP meeting | 7/19/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
Phone & Online Survey Review & Analysis | 7/21/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
State Agency/ISP Broadband Adoption Coordinating Meeting | 7/21/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Chinese for Affirmative Action (CAA) | 7/25/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
SBLN Virtual Meeting #2 | 7/25/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
California Broadband Council Meeting | 7/26/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
Digital Equity Statewide Planning Group | 7/26/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
Digital Equity Leaders Network Meeting: Racial/Ethnic Minorities and Individuals with Language Barriers/English as a Second Language | 7/27/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
ACP Outreach Grant Coordination | 7/27/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
Phone & Online Survey Review & Analysis | 7/28/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
Final Tribal Collaboration OAWG Meeting | 7/28/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Comcast-CDT | 7/28/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
LA DEAL | 7/31/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
CDT / Supervisor Williams of Solana County | 8/1/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
5th Annual Broadband Summit | 8/3/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
FCC ACP Invitation and Discussion of Speaking Opportunity | 8/7/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
Ridgeline Telecom | 8/14/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
CDT & Supervisor Zanger / San Benito County (Harmful content) | 8/16/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Meeting with President of Cox Communications | 8/16/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
State Agency/ISP Broadband Adoption | 8/17/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
Hispanic Federation in California/CDT OBDL Connect | 8/18/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
Transatlantic Telehealth Research Network Conference | 8/23/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
SANDAG and SCAG: Digital Divide Coordination | 8/24/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
LA Deal | 8/28/2023 | Listening Session (Virtual) |
Advancing Digital Equity: Inclusion of Incarcerated Individuals in State Plans | 8/31/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
CDT/County of Los Angeles Digital Equity Director | 9/1/2023 | Meeting |
Sudanese Association of Greater Sacramento | 9/6/2023 | Meeting |
Caltrans/Broadband Industry Meeting | 9/7/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
EducationSuperHighway/CDT Meeting | 9/12/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
SoCal Transformation Meeting | 9/14/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
RCRC County Executive Officer Working Group | 9/21/2023 | Meeting/Presentation |
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