5. Digital Equity Plan Implementation Strategy & Key Activities
On this page:
- 5.1 Key Activities
- 5.2 Connections to Covered Populations
- 5.3 Closing Gaps in Existing Efforts
- 5.4 Delivering in Priority Outcome Areas
- 5.5 Funding and Sustainability
- 5.6 Approach to Outreach and Collaboration
- 5.7 Approach to Plan Evaluation and Updates
- 5.8 Implementation Timeline
- References
This Digital Equity Plan will help realize the vision of Broadband for All through seven key activities:
- Expedite and complete existing Broadband for All infrastructure efforts;
- Convene digital equity stakeholders to strengthen collaboration;
- Evolve broadband and digital equity data and maps;
- Launch the California Connect Corps and digital equity grant program to expand community-based digital navigation and digital inclusion programs;
- Fund and expand existing State-managed digital inclusion programs;
- Develop and promote digital inclusion tools and best practices; and
- Secure consumer subsidy program sustainability.
While CDT will be responsible for overall Digital Equity Plan implementation, in alignment with managing Broadband for All, all Californians have a role in implementing this Plan and shaping how these activities are completed. This section provides an overview of each activity and its relationship to the objectives outlined in Section 2.5 and demonstrates how these activities will address specific barriers for covered populations and support priority policy outcomes statewide. It also provides an overview of how CDT collaborate to deliver and use a range of funding sources to ensure this Plan not only accelerates progress toward the State’s goals but also creates a framework for programmatic sustainability and the ability to adapt to evolving digital equity needs over time.
5.1 Key Activities
1. Expedite and complete existing Broadband for All infrastructure efforts
CDT, CPUC, and other State agencies tasked with building out broadband infrastructure will continue and expedite the build-out of existing Broadband for All investments and BEAD-funded projects. Increasing the miles constructed, the number of ISPs providing service, and the number of connected homes, businesses, and community anchor institutions, will increase the level and quality of internet service available to residents in California.
- Continue to leverage and explore all current and future funding. Multiple state agencies already provide funding in support of digital equity, and these agencies will work to ensure they are seeking the maximum in federal and State funding to support this work, as well as leveraging private investment through public-private partnerships that serve the public interest.
- Coordinate and deploy last-mile programs to connect to MMBI. MMBI is a catalytic investment to enable last-mile broadband infrastructure buildouts in communities throughout the state. This Plan recognizes CPUC’s critical role in providing capital funding for such buildouts and CDT’s role in ensuring quality, cost-effective MMBI connections. Nonetheless, many other activities in this Plan will also strengthen last-mile programs by supporting service adoption, which is essential to the long-term operational sustainability of those networks.
- Ensure new broadband infrastructure is resilient to wildfires and disasters. Given California’s susceptibility to natural disasters, such as wildfires and earthquakes, this Plan recognizes the need to ensure that infrastructure deployments include best practices for resiliency.
- Promote interim alternative technology solutions. Support the development of public/private partnerships to explore ways to develop and promote alternative technology solutions, as some communities cannot wait for broadband infrastructure to be built out.
- Promote the use of inclusive apprenticeships throughout network development. As the network grows, so does the demand for jobs. This Plan encourages the creation of public-private partnerships for broadband infrastructure and tech training programs, with a particular focus on hiring and training local individuals who are part of covered populations and those who live in communities that have historically been under-connected.
2. Convene digital equity stakeholders to strengthen collaboration.
Californians working in digital inclusion have much to learn from one another, from sharing lived experiences to lessons learned from implementing digital inclusion programs on the ground. CDT will work to further strengthen partnerships by sustaining engagement and collaboration with organizations that provide digital inclusion services. This will include extending forums for engagement and outreach developed prior to and during the digital equity planning process to consult and empower covered populations and other digitally disadvantaged communities to help plan and implement strategies to achieve digital equity. Those intended to be served must be involved in planning and delivering the services. More details on these efforts can be found in Section 5.6.
3. Evolve broadband and digital equity data and maps.
CPUC is actively working to improve statewide data regarding broadband availability and related attributes from ISPs. CDT will also work to develop improved systems to track the impact of Broadband for All investments to inform future policy and funding decisions and ensure that the state is receiving its fair share of federal resources. As part of a new digital equity grant program, CDT may fund and provide resources to increase the capacity of other entities to contribute to mapping and other data-tracking efforts. CDT will also continue to invest in other data systems developed or improved for the development of this Digital Equity Plan, including statewide digital equity surveys.
4. Launch the California Connect Corps and digital equity grant programs to expand community-based digital inclusion programs.
CDT will develop the California Connect Corps (CCC) grant program to support nonprofit organizations to conduct outreach to underserved populations to advance digital inclusion. CCC grantees would receive paid compensation, free IT career training, and supportive services during their term of service.[281] The program will prioritize partnering with nonprofit organizations that already conduct digital navigation services, particularly among unserved and covered populations, to maximize opportunities to assist in-language and in-culture. Other functions of the CCC will include assisting with enrollment in broadband affordability subsidies, providing technical assistance with broadband-connected devices, and offering digital literacy classes.
CDT will also develop new grant programs to fund local and tribal governments, community anchor institutions, community-based organizations, and other digital inclusion service providers to deliver comprehensive digital inclusion programs that overcome the three primary barriers for low-income households to achieve universal adoption: sign up for affordable home internet service; acquire an affordable computing device; and access digital literacy training to become digitally proficient.
This program will be designed primarily to deliver services to people where they live and gather – bringing services to wherever the people are instead of requiring people to come to the services. Programs that enable the delivery of digital inclusion services from “trusted messengers” in existing community-based organizations and institutions – social workers, health workers (e.g., promotores), educators, librarians, coaches, or faith-based mentors – who can provide support in the communities and languages in which it is needed most are essential to fostering adoption.
Examples of activities that may be eligible for funding through this grant program include:
- Development of local digital equity plans.
- Broadband adoption and ACP adoption efforts focusing on enrollment in affordable internet service programs.
- Flexible grants to existing CBOs and new entities including promotors and health navigators.
- Digital literacy training.
- Digital navigation for residents.
- Digital navigation for tribes, towns, cities, and counties.
- Targeted device distribution programs.
- Establishment of computer labs/digital literacy training programs at community centers (Senior Centers, Veterans Halls).
- Workforce development training and apprenticeships (broadband infrastructure and tech jobs).
5. Fund new and expand existing State-managed digital inclusion programs.
The State will continue to work to improve and expand the myriad digital inclusion programs and services offered by State agencies and other statewide partners identified in Section 3. Examples of state managed programs that could be funded include the California State Library Connected California program and the California Department of Aging’s Access to Technology program.[282]
6. Develop and promote digital inclusion tools and best practices.
Digital inclusion programs that reach the hardest to connect are best delivered in a hyper-local manner, in and by the communities most disconnected, in the languages and cultures of those communities. Nonetheless, locally based digital inclusion service providers repeatedly cite a lack of capacity to deliver these programs at the scale needed. Part of the solution to capacity-building can be to provide standard tools and resources that these providers can use and customize for their communities, saving time and cost while building on best-demonstrated practices from other providers across the state.
CDT will lead the development of new tools and resources aimed at making it easier for locally based digital inclusion providers to realize their goals. For example, CDT will draft a public-facing handbook in collaboration with local digital inclusion practitioners that includes an overview of best practices and a menu of tools to promote digital inclusion. The State will continue to expand and promote statewide digital inclusion resources, including this handbook, in multiple languages so that digital equity collaborators from all communities may design, develop, and deliver effective digital inclusion programs.
- Develop, fund, and make available a statewide digital literacy training platform. CDT will collaborate with subject matter experts in higher education institutions in California, along with digital literacy leaders, to develop a learning management system (LMS) with accessible online digital skills modules and assessments that are multilingual and standardized for use across the state. This LMS will share existing and new CDT and State resources on privacy and online security with local jurisdictions, community-based organizations, and within the educational community. CDT will work to embed digital literacy and skills training at all levels of education, with a focus on online privacy and cybersecurity.
- Develop a statewide multilingual digital literacy training framework and certificate program. CDT will work with its partners in State government and digital literacy providers serving each covered population in communities throughout the state to integrate best practices in digital literacy training into a common framework and certificate program that support providers’ capacity to deliver digital literacy services tailored to their communities, including by ensuring that such programs are aligned to the parameters of funding opportunities like the forthcoming Digital Equity Competitive Grants from NTIA. This will include the development of a complementary framework and certificate program to support providers’ capacity to provide services consistent with universal design standards and promote the accessibility of assistive technology for all.
- Build the statewide asset inventory as a common resource for local governments, social service, workforce development, and healthcare organizations, and for all Californians. CDT will expand its efforts in digital inclusion asset mapping to create a common database of digital inclusion service providers in communities across the state and make that data available to all Californians in an interactive online resource. This effort will help the State promote the services of locally based digital inclusion service providers, as well as track where the State and local governments may need to fill gaps in the services offered to meet the needs of all covered populations and digitally disadvantaged communities.
7. Promote low-cost offers and the Affordable Connectivity Program, and advocate for a sustainable successor program.
Although this Plan calls for multiple measures to overcome the fact that cost is the primary barrier to internet adoption, including billions of dollars in publicly-funded network development and the promotion of consumer choice and competition among ISPs, the State also recognizes that many low-income households will continue to need to rely on subsidized service so that they are not forced to choose between Internet service and mobile service, or even putting food on the table.
- Continue to track ACP eligibility and adoption rates statewide to understand and demonstrate California’s level of need. Using this data, CDT will work with its partners statewide and in local governments to continue to establish robust public outreach campaigns for ACP and other subsidy programs to encourage uptake, ensuring all eligible parties understand and can access the subsidies available to them through persistent statewide and hyperlocal promotion and awareness campaigns.
- Bundle outreach for ACP with other services (NSLP, Medicaid, WIC, Pell Grants). If an eligible household is seeking multiple government benefits, it would be easier for them to sign up for all of them at the same time. CDT will work with its partners in the State government and other public benefits service providers to integrate ACP subsidies into other public benefits outreach and enrollment efforts.
- Provide ACP enrollment assistance to covered populations. The enrollment process for the ACP is not particularly easy. It is a two-step process, and even when households may be approved for the ACP, they may not utilize the subsidy to connect to broadband. Providing support for covered populations as they enroll in the ACP would help ensure that they successfully receive and apply the benefit to receive internet access.
- Advocate for improvement of ACP enrollment process and expanded eligibility. While the intent of the ACP is well-regarded, there are modifications to the program that can be made that could make the application process easier and ensure that more households are able to access the benefits.
- Advocate for an extension of ACP or a successor program or develop a State-led affordable offer. The funds available for the ACP are scheduled to run out in 2024. California will work with elected officials to support a permanent funding mechanism or similar subsidy program. The State may also consider developing a state-level program that complements federal programs to ensure internet access is accessible and affordable for those Californians who remain in need.
- Establish a data-matching agreement between the state and federal government for subsidy eligibility. California’s high cost of living relative to other states limits federal poverty thresholds from including all Californians who need a subsidy like ACP. The State and Federal government should collaborate to determine a data point that effectively represents those in California that ACP was intended to serve and can be used to determine in-state eligibility. Each of these key activities will be designed to help the State realize its objectives.
The following tables provides an overview of the relationship between the key activities and objectives of this Plan:
Goals & Objectives | Key Activities | |||||||
Complete Infrastructure | Convene | Evolve Data | CA Connect Corps / Digital Equity Grant Program | Expand State Efforts | Promote Tools | Secure Subsidies | ||
Goal 1: All Californians have high-performance broadband available at home, schools, libraries, and businesses. | ||||||||
1.1 | Increase the percentage of Californians that are connected to broadband Internet service | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |
1.2 | Increase the percentage of Community Anchor Institutions that are connected to broadband Internet service. | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |||
1.3 | Increase the percentage of Californians who report their Internet service is reliable. | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ||
1.4 | Increase the percentage of Californians that have a choice of at least three internet service providers. | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
Goals & Objectives | Key Activities | |||||||
Complete Infrastructure | Convene | Evolve Data | CA Connect Corps / Digital Equity Grant Program | Expand State Efforts | Promote Tools | Secure Subsidies | ||
Goal 2: All Californians have access to affordable broadband and necessary devices. | ||||||||
2.1 | Decrease the percentage of Californians that cite cost as the primary barrier to broadband service. | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |
2.2 | Reduce the percentage of Californians who rely solely on a smartphone to use the Internet. | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
2.3 | Increase the percentage of Californians enrolled in low-cost Internet options and subsidies, including the Affordable Connectivity Program. | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |
2.4 | Reduce the average cost that covered populations pay for Internet service. | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
Goals & Objectives | Key Activities | |||||||
Complete Infrastructure | Convene | Evolve Data | CA Connect Corps / Digital Equity Grant Program | Expand State Efforts | Promote Tools | Secure Subsidies | ||
Goal 3: All Californians can access training and support to enable digital inclusion. | ||||||||
3.1 | Increase the availability of digital literacy, cybersecurity, and skills training programs. | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |
3.2 | Increase the percentage of Californians who have access to technical support services for Internet-connected devices. | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |
3.3 | Reduce the percentage of Californians whose concerns for privacy and cybersecurity prevents broadband adoption or effective use. | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |
3.4 | Increase the percentage of Californians who possess basic, intermediate, and advanced digital literacy skills. | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |
3.5 | Expand the number of broadband infrastructure and technology jobs among covered populations. | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ||||
3.6 | Increase the percentage of Californians who utilize the internet to apply for or use public benefits and other essential services and are able to participate in civic and social engagement online. | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
5.2 Connections to Covered Populations
Each of the key activities outlined above will benefit all covered populations. Nonetheless, recognizing the different baselines for these populations identified in Section 3.4, CDT recognizes that some key activities must be more targeted to certain populations whose needs are greater than others. Some examples of these targeted relationships include MMBI delivering greater access to rural communities and improving consumer choice in predominantly minority and ethnic communities, redoubled efforts related to securing the sustainability of subsidies and improving related processes to benefit covered households, and the State’s new digital equity grant program and California Connect Corps providing new funding for programs that will specifically focus on each covered population. These are but a few examples of how the State will tailor its key activities to suit the specific needs of each covered population.
5.3 Closing Gaps in Existing Efforts
Section 3.2 of this Plan identifies a series of key gaps in existing efforts to achieve the State’s Broadband for All vision, including the need for greater funding and sustainability for organizations providing digital inclusion services, additional staff and organizational capacity for organizations in the broadband industry, difficulty accessing and applying for funding, and the need for greater community awareness. Some of the key activities included in this Plan are designed to directly address these gaps.
The State’s new digital equity grant program will provide funding to organizations whose impact could be expanded if more funds were available to communities who currently have too few digital inclusion programs to meet the needs of covered populations. Efforts to improve statewide tools for digital inclusion services and promote best practices, combined with efforts to improve consumer subsidies and the development of improved data systems, will help fill capacity gaps in existing organizations by making work more efficient and reducing redundancies.
Nonetheless, as the State works to implement this Plan, it will continue to refine its understanding of gaps in the digital equity ecosystem and tailor its core activities to address those gaps accordingly.
5.4 Delivering in Priority Outcome Areas
As mentioned in Section 2.2, this Plan is designed not only to achieve digital equity but also to support statewide policy outcomes in education, health, digital literacy and inclusion, workforce and economic development, essential services, civic accessibility and public engagement, and tribal collaboration.
Achieving the objectives identified in this plan will positively benefit educational outcomes in the State. Key collaborators in this effort include the CDE, UC, CSU, CCC, County Offices of Education, and local school districts. One of CDE’s goals is that every child has access to a world-class education, including access to education technology. Achieving the State’s objectives will support this goal by helping to ensure that students and educators have access to home internet and devices that can be used in remote and digital learning environments. According to data collected through Get Connected! California ACP Enrollment Events, nearly half (47%) of families with school-aged children reported that schools do not allow devices to go home with students. This presents a significant opportunity to leverage schools as key community anchor institutions and incorporate digital inclusion efforts in existing school programs.
Additionally, developing targeted marketing and engagement strategies to increase enrollment in low-cost and subsidy internet programs will support the State’s education goals by easing the cost burden of home internet for students’ families. Lastly, increasing digital literacy training and resources will empower students, families, and educators to use technology more effectively to engage in education.
Access to broadband and internet adoption are social determinants of health,[283] therefore, improved access through any of the objectives, stands to positively influence the health of Californians. Improved access to affordable broadband infrastructure will enable more widespread deployment and adoption of virtual healthcare services. Improving the accessibility and inclusivity of public resources and services also stands to improve eligible individuals’ ability to access social service benefits offered by multiple state agencies (e.g., healthcare via Covered CA (DHCS), public housing (CDHS), educational resources (CDE), nutrition assistance (CDSS), COVID-19 vaccinations (CDPH), unemployment benefits (EDD), elderly services (CalHHS). Increased digital literacy programming, tailored to specific populations, will improve how patients, providers, and caretakers navigate telehealth services. [284] Device access and affordability are necessary for virtual healthcare services to be effectively deployed.
Digital Literacy and Inclusion
CDT has been working in close collaboration with several state and regional leaders to leverage existing efforts in the digital literacy space as CDT advances its objectives and goals. Collaborative entities include the CSL, CDA, CETF, San Diego Futures Foundation, Community Tech Network, AARP, and Older Adults Technology Services (OATS), which have provided grants, digital literacy training, and other digital inclusion services. Initiatives include the California Library Connect, digital navigator services, career pathway services, and home connectivity kits. As CDT and its partners collaborate to increase the number of digital literacy classes taught, expand the variety of languages offered for digital literacy training programs, and increase the number of digital literacy instructors trained, Californians will gain the necessary skills to fully engage in modern life via greater educational and employment opportunity.
Workforce and Economic Development
Digital equity is foundational to equitable workforce and economic development. The strategies identified in this Plan will support LWDA’s goals and programs by enabling easier access to benefits and pathways to good jobs.[285] Providing tech training and encouraging the hiring of local, skilled labor, especially members of covered populations, to support the broadband infrastructure build-out will have a positive impact across the state. This work will be strengthened by partnering with Local Workforce Development Boards as well.
Continuing to collaborate with labor and industry groups, such as the CWA which has apprenticeship programs, and the Fiber Broadband Association, Fiber Optic Association, and the Wireless Internet Association (WIA), all of which have training programs and are seeking partnerships with local community colleges, will be critical to developing a workforce to support these broadband efforts.
Essential Services, Accessibility, and Civic Engagement
Achieving online accessibility and inclusivity of public resources and services will be crucial to improving outcomes in essential services. An increase in the number of state and local entities and CBOs promoting ACP and low-cost offers will improve the affordability of broadband service for underserved populations. As government websites, services, and forms align with greater frequency to universal UX and accessibility standards, government services will become more widely accessible to individuals with accessibility impairments. CDT, ODI, and GovOps are working in concert with to achieve this end. The State continues to evolve web standards to strengthen the security, usability, and accessibility of all State of California websites.
CDT continues to explore the development of the Digital Identification and eligibility verifier will provide users with a one-stop shop for state benefit programs, allowing users to access a wider array of services more easily. This will reduce in-person tasks and improve cybersecurity risks, which are disproportionately high for covered populations. The increase in public meetings with remote participation will be particularly beneficial for individuals who live in rural areas, disabled populations who are unable to travel, and tribal populations, and will allow for more frequent and substantive civic engagement.
Tribal Collaboration
Throughout the planning process, the State consulted and partnered with several California Native American tribes and tribal entities. By continuing these partnerships through the implementation process, the State will ensure that broadband deployment, digital training, affordability efforts, and state and federal funding programs are prioritized for tribal entities.
5.5 Funding and Sustainability
Delivering the key activities defined in this Plan will require a range of funding sources, only some of which are under State control. The State has already allocated significant resources to achieving its objectives and delivering the key activities that will lessen or close remaining gaps. These existing programs (see Section 3.2), complemented by numerous existing locally, philanthropically, and privately funded programs, are central to closing digital equity gaps in the state but will be insufficient.
As CDT oversees implementation, it will seek to leverage the following funding sources to expand impact and catalyze additional opportunities for sustainable resourcing once one-time funding from the federal government is exhausted:
- Existing State Efforts: CPUC’s CASF grant, CSL Connected California, and the Department of Aging’s Access to Technology program are only a few examples of existing State efforts that this Plan will seek to capitalize on. State funding has been the primary funding vehicle for progress towards the Broadband for All vision and will continue to be, even with meaningful new sources of federal investment.
- Affordable Connectivity Program: The State will continue to promote the ACP and ensure that eligible households are able to apply for the federal subsidy.
- Digital Equity Capacity Grant: The State Digital Equity Capacity Grant will be a primary funding vehicle for the implementation of many of the key activities. Most funds will be allocated to regional and local entities to increase capacity, with a portion retained by the State to expand state agency-led digital inclusion efforts, including the development of statewide digital equity tools and platforms managed on the Broadband for All portal, and provide oversight and alignment of efforts.
- Digital Equity Competitive Grants: The State will work to support local organizations in applying for NTIA’s forthcoming Digital Equity Competitive Grants by providing resources that may make local partners more competitive for this funding opportunity.
- Local Funding: Local governments, educational institutions, community-based organizations, nonprofits, and others are champions of digital equity in communities throughout the state and provide essential complementary funding to help realize Broadband for All and the objectives included in this Plan. The State will continue to support those locally funded efforts through the implementation of this Plan.
- Philanthropy: Many statewide philanthropic partners, such as the Michelson Foundation and the California Community Foundation, are actively engaged in the work of digital equity and digital inclusion. The State will continue to seek their leadership and partnership throughout the implementation phase of this Plan, including by helping to stretch philanthropic programs with complementary grants and resources.
- Private Sector Investment: Supporting the development of public/private partnerships or private sector investment in broadband infrastructure, broadband job training, digital skills training, device access, and digital navigation.
- Priority Area Funding Sources: By integrating digital equity into programs that support priority outcomes areas, such as Workforce Investment Act funding, the State can maximize the impact of these additional funding sources.
Throughout the implementation of this Plan, the State will also place a heavy emphasis on those programs that do not need to rely solely on State or federal funding for long-term success. Those entities that demonstrate pathways to programmatic sustainability through complementary funding sources may receive additional focus through the distribution of additional State funds.
5.6 Approach to Outreach and Collaboration
Implementing this Digital Equity Plan will require close collaboration across State government, with local governments and community anchor institutions, including those in education, healthcare, workforce and economic development, libraries, and housing, Tribes, nonprofit organizations, philanthropy, internet service providers, and organizations that represent and serve each of the covered populations and other digitally disadvantaged communities.
In collaboration with CPUC, CDT will continue to act as the convening entity. CDT plans to leverage structures established as part of the planning process during the implementation phase of the Plan. As the State transitions into the implementation phase, targeted collaboration will continue, especially with groups representing covered populations. Comparable to the outreach and engagement program that informed the development of this Digital Equity Plan, implementation will include a multi-pronged approach to collaboration.
- Provide regular progress updates to the California Broadband Council on Broadband for All program and initiatives.
- Provide regular progress updates to the Middle-Mile Advisory Committee on broadband infrastructure initiatives.
- Expand the current statewide Get Connected! California Mobilization cohort to include more regional and local organizations.
- Transition the Statewide Digital Equity Planning Group to the Statewide Digital Equity Implementation Group or State Table in partnership with NTIA.
- Convene the six Outcome Area Working Groups quarterly to support continued learning, information sharing, collaboration, and coordination of digital equity efforts.
- Establish a quarterly meeting of a Citizens Advisory Committee consisting of members of covered populations.
- Engage with the community through webinars and public meetings, developed in partnership with CPUC and other state entities, to leverage State and federal broadband grant programs and foster collaboration on broadband adoption efforts, strongly emphasizing engagement with covered populations.
- Proactively engage with California Native American tribes through group informational meetings or consultations consistent with tribal consultation policies.
- Continue engagement with all stakeholders via individual meetings and consultations, monthly email updates, and the Broadband for All Portal.
- Revise and administer an annual digital equity public survey.
- Leverage DEEM tools to continue developing the State’s asset inventory.
The joint State Digital Equity and BEAD planning process helped CDT, CPUC, and the State expand the multi-level network of digital inclusion stakeholders established as directed in the state Broadband for All Action Plan. The State invites all these organizations to comment on this Plan through the public comment period, and to remain engaged to help shape the key activities through implementation.
5.7 Approach to Plan Evaluation and Updates
CDT will provide annual progress reports on the implementation of this Plan. Similar to the annual review and updates made to the Broadband for All Action Plan, CDT will work with State agencies, CBOs, nonprofits, philanthropy, and others to monitor that each key activity is advancing, and that progress is being made on all objectives. The annual review and updates will be available online and presented to the California Broadband Council.
In addition to annual progress reports, CDT will also plan a full update to this Digital Equity Plan every five years, recognizing that larger strategic updates may need to be made to account for changing funding environments and progress against different objectives for each covered population.
5.8 Implementation Timeline
In many respects, the implementation of this Digital Equity Plan is well underway. Additional implementation will be tied to the timeline for receipt of federal funds from the NTIA. Given the timing of those funds, 2024 will primarily focus on the detailed design of the key activities defined in this plan and securing the funding sources necessary for their implementation.
Key Milestones
- Submit final digital equity plan – March 2024
- Digital Equity Capacity Grant NOFO – Q1/Q2 2024
- State Develops California Connect Corps – Q4 2024
- Digital Equity Competitive Grant – Q4 2024
[281] https://trackbill.com/s3/bills/CA/2021/AB/2750/analyses/senate-energy-utilities-and-communications.pdf.
[282] https://aging.ca.gov/Information_and_Resources/Access_to_Technology/, accessed October 31, 2023.
[283] https://www.fcc.gov/health/SDOH
[284] https://www.itup.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/ITUP-Broadband-Bootcamp-Report-Final.pdf
[285] LWDA | Labor & Workforce Development Agency (labor.ca.gov), Accessed October 9, 2023