Funding opportunities

State and federal funding is available to support:

  • Broadband deployment
  • Adoption
  • Digital literacy planning and implementation

Funding programs that have an annual cycle will display the current fiscal year open and close dates.

Search for available broadband funding programs

State or FederalProgram StatusProgram NameAdministering AgencyProgram DivisionProgram PurposeFunding PurposeAvailable FundingType of AwardSize of AwardMatchMatch RequirementFunding CyclesApplication Due/Filing Window ClosesEligible ApplicantsEligible EntitiesEligible CostsProgram ContactWebsiteLink to Application Site
(and to any guidelines)
Key Links, Notes, and sourcesEligible CostsEligibility notesMinimum SpeedsProgram ContactWebsiteLink to Application Site
(and to any guidelines)
Key Links and
notes and sources
StateOpenCalifornia Advanced Services Fund: Broadband Adoption AccountCalifornia Public Utilities CommissionCommunications DivisionThe Broadband Adoption Account provides grants to increase publicly available or after-school broadband access and digital inclusion, such as grants for digital literacy training programs and public education to communities with limited broadband adoption.Adoption, Digital Equity$36.385 million for fiscal year 2024-2025Grant$150,000 maximum in previous funding cyclesYes15%Applications may be submitted at any time. However, staff will consider applications submitted on or before each deadline listed below as a batch, until all funds have been awarded.

January 1, 2025
July 1, 2025
January 1, 2026
And every January 1 and July 1 thereafter, until funds are exhausted.

Governments, libraries, education, senior centers, nonprofits, community organizationsLocal governments, senior centers, schools, public libraries, nonprofit organizations, and community-based organizations with programs to increase publicly available or after school broadband access and digital inclusion, such as digital literacy training programs are eligible to apply for grants.i. Education and outreach efforts (including travel, up to 10% of grant amount) and materials.
ii. Acceptable computing devices (does not include smartphones) within budgetary limits and inclusive of computer.
iii. Software (inclusive of licensing for online platforms).
iv. Printers.
v. Network routers, switches, modems, and cabling deployed for the purpose of establishing a space for broadband access or digital literacy that connects to an existing in-building broadband network such as Wi-Fi (inside network).
vi. Mobile hotspots, only when no inside network is available.
vii. Provision of technical support for the installation of equipment subsidized through this program or technical support for the equipment for the duration of the project subsidized through this program.
viii. Desks and chairs to furnish a designated space for training/access.
ix. Gathering, preparing, creating and distributing digital literacy curriculum (for Digital Literacy projects).
x. Digital literacy instructors or staffing for monitoring the designated space or staffing for call centers.
xi. Reimbursement for administrative costs is limited to administrative costs representing 15% or less of the overall proposed budget. of Application Process: Decision for FY 2024-25 at

Main website:
Monthly service connections and activation fees
StateOpenCalifornia Advanced Services Fund: Broadband Infrastructure Grant AccountCalifornia Public Utilities CommissionCommunications DivisionThe Broadband Infrastructure Grant Account subsidizes the cost of middle-mile and last-mile infrastructure to expand the State’s broadband network.Infrastructure$60.458 million for fiscal year 2024-2025Grant1) Entities with a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity that qualify as a "telephone corporation" as defined under Public Utilities (Pub. Util.) Code section 234; or 2) Wireless carriers who are registered with the Commission (i.e., hold a Wireless Identification Registration (WIR)); or 3) Non-telephone corporations that are facilities-based broadband service providers; or 4) A local governmental agency if no other eligible entity applied.Costs directly related to the deployment of infrastructure;
Costs to lease access to property or for Internet backhaul services for a period not to exceed five years; and
Costs incurred by an existing facility-based broadband provider to upgrade its existing facilities to provide for interconnection. Decision for FY 2024-25 at directly related to the deployment of infrastructure;
Costs to lease access to property or for Internet backhaul services for a period not to exceed five years; and
Costs incurred by an existing facility-based broadband provider to upgrade its existing facilities to provide for interconnection.
100/20 Decision for FY 2024-25 at
StateOpenCalifornia Advanced Services Fund: Broadband Public Housing AccountCalifornia Public Utilities CommissionCommunications DivisionThe Broadband Public Housing Account provides funding for inside wiring projects that will offer broadband access to low income communities at no cost to residents of those communities.Adoption, Digital Equity, Infrastructure$30.141 million for fiscal year 2024-2025Grant$150,000 maximum in previous funding cyclesNoNoApplications may be submitted at any time. However, staff will consider applications submitted on or before each deadline listed below as a batch.

January 1, 2024
July 1, 2024
And every January 1 and July 1 thereafter, until funds are exhausted.
Application Cycle Deadlines:
July 1, 2024
January 1, 2025
Publicly-supported housing developments, farmworker housing, and other housing developments serving low-income communitiesPublicly supported housing developments and farmworker housing are eligible to apply for grants. Low-income communities that otherwise meet eligibility requirements and comply with program requirements established by the CPUC may also apply, including other housing developments or mobile home parks with low-income residents.All broadband networking equipment (hardware and software), wireless access points, wireless bridge(s), modem(s), switches, router(s), and firewall(s) for network security but not personal computers, laptops, handheld or human interface devices.

Low voltage contracting work including the installation of inside wiring, network cabinets, NEMA boxes, conduits, patch panels, cable tray or ladders, and other cabling requirements to provide power and connectivity for the broadband network equipment funded as part of
the project.

Broadband network engineering and designing documentation.

Hardware warranty of broadband network equipment as needed. Installation, provisioning, and configuration labor costs at the Minimum Point of Entry (MPOE), MDFs (Main Distribution Frame), IDFs (Intermediate Distribution Frame), WAPs (Wireless Access Point),
Wireless Bridges such as P2P and P2MP (Point to Point and Point to Multi-point) Radios, Switched Ethernet, and xDSL (Digital Subscriber Line) modems.

Taxes, shipping and insurance costs (if applicable) that are directly related to broadband network equipment deployed under the BPHA. Ruling:

Rules and Guidelines:

See Decision for FY 2024-25 at

Main website:
i. Education and outreach efforts (including travel, up to 10% of grant amount) and materials.
ii. Acceptable computing devices (does not include smartphones) within budgetary limits and inclusive of computer.
iii. Software (inclusive of licensing for online platforms).
iv. Printers.
v. Network routers, switches, modems, and cabling deployed for the purpose of establishing a space for broadband access or digital literacy that connects to an existing in-building broadband network such as Wi-Fi (inside network).
vi. Mobile hotspots, only when no inside network is available.
vii. Provision of technical support for the installation of equipment subsidized through this program or technical support for the equipment for the duration of the project subsidized through this program.
viii. Desks and chairs to furnish a designated space for training/access.
ix. Gathering, preparing, creating and distributing digital literacy curriculum (for Digital Literacy projects).
x. Digital literacy instructors or staffing for monitoring the designated space or staffing for call centers.
xi. Reimbursement for administrative costs is limited to administrative costs representing 15% or less of the overall proposed budget. of Application Process: for FY2024-25:
List of Proposed Projects:

Main website:
StateOpenCalifornia Advanced Services Fund: Line Extension ProgramCalifornia Public Utilities CommissionCommunications DivisionThe Line Extension Program awards infrastructure grants to an individual household and/or property owner to offset the costs of connecting a household or property to an existing or proposed facility-based broadband provider.Infrastructure$1.294 million for Fiscal Year 2024-2025
GrantA maximum of $500 for fixed wireless in previous funding cycles

A maximum of $9,300 for wireline installations in previous funding cycles
NoNoRollingRollingIndividualsCustomer residing at the location to be served. All
recipients of the LEP grant must meet the income-based requirements.
Costs of connecting the eligible applicant to existing or new facilities-based internet Requirements:

See Decision for FY 2024-25 at

Main website:
Market studies, feasibilities studies, and/or business plans which support Tribes in their pursuit of improved communications.N/ Program FAQs:
Fact sheet:
Decision for FY2024-25:
StateAnnualCalifornia Advanced Services Fund: Rural and Urban Regional Consortia AccountCalifornia Public Utilities CommissionCommunications DivisionThe Rural and Urban Regional Consortia Account facilitates the deployment of broadband services by assisting CASF infrastructure grant applicants in the project development or grant application process, or assisting broadband deployment projects related to programs created under SB 156 and Assembly Bill (AB) 164.Planning$3.433 million for Fiscal Year 2024-2025GrantUp to $200,000 per year, per consortium in previous funding cyclesNoNoAnnual7/15/2022, no dates published for 2023 or 2024Governments, local agencies, education, healthcare, libraries, community organizations, for-profit companies, etc.An eligible consortium may include, as specified by the Commission, representatives of organizations, including, but not limited to, local and regional government, public safety, elementary and secondary education, health care, libraries, postsecondary education, community-based organizations, tourism, parks and recreation, agricultural, business, workforce organizations, and air pollution control or air quality management districts, and is not required to have as its lead fiscal agent an entity with a certificate of public convenience and necessity.Consortia will be reimbursed for the costs of performing eligible activities, including primarily conducting activities that will lead to or that can be reasonably expected to lead to CASF infrastructure projects or broadband deployment projects, including assisting potential applicants, outreach, page: Program Rules:

See Decision for FY 2024-25 at

Payment Request Process for Consortia:
All broadband networking equipment (hardware and software), wireless access points, wireless bridge(s), modem(s), switches, router(s), and firewall(s) for network security but not personal computers, laptops, handheld or human interface devices.

Low voltage contracting work including the installation of inside wiring, network cabinets, NEMA boxes, conduits, patch panels, cable tray or ladders, and other cabling requirements to provide power and connectivity for the broadband network equipment funded as part of
the project.

Broadband network engineering and designing documentation.

Hardware warranty of broadband network equipment as needed. Installation, provisioning, and configuration labor costs at the Minimum Point of Entry (MPOE), MDFs (Main Distribution Frame), IDFs (Intermediate Distribution Frame), WAPs (Wireless Access Point),
Wireless Bridges such as P2P and P2MP (Point to Point and Point to Multi-point) Radios, Switched Ethernet, and xDSL (Digital Subscriber Line) modems.

Taxes, shipping and insurance costs (if applicable) that are directly related to broadband network equipment deployed under the BPHA.
Major rehabilitation, demolition or construction work will not be funded. Ruling:

Rules and Guidelines:

Decision for FY2024-25:

Main website:
StateOpenCalifornia LifeLineCalifornia Public Utilities Commission, in conjunction with FCCCommunications DivisionCalifornia LifeLine offsets the costs of wireless and home phone service.AdoptionVaries annuallySubsidyMonthly service connection discount of up to $17.90; may be combined with federal subsidy of $9.25NoNoAnnual renewalContinuousIncome-qualified individualsIncome-qualified individuals or individuals that participate in other qualifying programs.Monthly service connections and activation fees of connecting the eligible applicant to existing or new facilities-based internet Requirements:

Decision for FY2024-25:

Main website:
StateOpenCalifornia Teleconnect FundCalifornia Public Utilities CommissionCommunications DivisionThe California Teleconnect Fund (CTF) program provides a 50% discount on advanced communication services (including Internet access and broadband services) to qualifying K–12 schools, libraries, community colleges, government-owned hospitals/health clinics, and community-based organizations.Adoption, Utilization$108.296 millionSubsidy50% of approved service costsNoN/ARollingRollingLibraries, education, Tribal entities, governments, healthcare entities access and broadband servicesEntities participating in the CTF Program should email to update their contact information in order to receive important information and notifications on maintaining eligibility and discounts.

For general application inquiries before submitting an application, please direct them to or call Amy Lau at (415) 696-7310.

If you have submitted an application and are inquiring about its status, please direct them to or call Ligia Serpas at (415) 703-4332.

For participant recertification inquiries, please direct them to or call Joanne Leung at (415) 703-1149.

Carriers and service providers can direct inquiries to or contact Wylen Lai at (415) 703-2616.

and also see
Guidebook: Internet access and broadband servicesThe CPUC requires all existing California Teleconnect Fund (CTF) participants to periodically recertify their eligibility.Entities participating in the CTF Program should email to update their contact information in order to receive important information and notifications on maintaining eligibility and discounts.

For general application inquiries before submitting an application, please direct them to or call Amy Lau at (415) 696-7310.

If you have submitted an application and are inquiring about its status, please direct them to or call Ligia Serpas at (415) 703-4332.

For participant recertification inquiries, please direct them to or call Joanne Leung at (415) 703-1149.

Carriers and service providers can direct inquiries to or contact Wylen Lai at (415) 703-2616. and also see
StateOpenDigital Divide Grant ProgramCalifornia Public Utilities CommissionCommunications DivisionThe Digital Divide Grant program will address the physical gaps in local broadband networks, affordability, access to personal devices and digital skills training. Funding is avaiable for low-income rural or urban schools or a non-profit community-based organizations with a demonstrated record of work in addressing the digital divide.Adoption, Utilization$300,000Grant$50,000-$100,000NoN/ARolling30-May-25Qualifying low-income rural or urban schools or a non-profit community-based organizations. hom broadband connection, student required hardware, cirriculum, software to enabel distance learning for students and teachers, teacher trainings in the use of technology for distance
StateClosedCPUC Broadband Loan Loss Reserve FundCalifornia Public Utilities CommissionCommunications DivisionThe Broadband Loan Loss Reserve Fund supports the development of public broadband networks by providing credit enhancement for local agencies and non-profits to finance broadband networks to help secure private broadband financing such as bonds.InfrastructureN/AGrantNot availableNoN/AThe CPUC intends to offer funding each calendar year three times in three separate four-month cycles.
Commission Staff will publish dates and timelines. The CPUC will accept applications three times per
calendar year beginning and ending on the first seven days of a funding cycle. Each funding cycle will
appropriate a subset of that calendar year’s available LLP funds equally, including any unawarded
funds from prior years.
April 9, 2024 at 4 PMLocal agencies, nonprofitsLocal agencies, as defined by Gov. Code 53167 (e), including sovereign Tribal governments.Costs related to the financing broadband infrastructure deployment by a local government or non-profit agency, including, but not limited to, the payment of costs of debt issuance, obtaining credit enhancement, and establishing and funding of reserves for the payment of principal and interest on debt issued by fund and Guidelines: ( and also see

New funding passed June 29, 2024:
All or any part of the cost of construction, renovation, acquisition of all lands, structures, real or personal property, rights, rights of way, franchises, licenses, easements, and the cost of machinery and equipment. Moeller - 1325 J Street, Suite 1300, Sacramento, CA 95814
StateOpenInfrastructure State Revolving Fund Loan ProgramCalifornia Infrastructure and Economic Development BankThe Infrastructure State Revolving Fund Loan Program finances public infrastructure and private development projects that promote a healthy climate for jobs, contribute to a strong economy, and improve the quality of life in California communities.DeploymentLoans or bondsN/ANoNo but ISRF financing may serve as a matching fund for other financingOngoingOpenGovernments, nonprofitsThe applicant may be any subdivision of a state or local government, including departments, agencies, commissions, cities, counties, nonprofit corporations formed on behalf of an applicant, special districts, assessment districts, and joint powers authorities.All or any part of the cost of construction, renovation, acquisition of all lands, structures, real or personal property, rights, rights of way, franchises, licenses, easements, and the cost of machinery and

1325 J Street, Suite 1300, Sacramento, CA 95814 eligible costs are published each year, but generally include data transmission services, internet access, internal connections, managed internal broadband services, and basic maintenance of internal connections. On July 18, 2024, the FCC made hotspots eligible for E-Rate funding, see N/A(888) 203-8100 Public Notice:;
StateRollingTribal Technical AssistanceCalifornia Public Utilities CommissionCommunications DivisionTribal Technical Assistance provides funding to California tribes interested in technical assistance to pursue improved communications (for example, voice and broadband) to assist California Tribes in developing market studies, feasibility studies, and/or business plans, with the goal of improving internet and communications systems.Planning$4.5 million for Fiscal Year 2024-2025GrantsUp to $150,000NoN/AApplications may be submitted at any time. However, CD will consider applications submitted on or before each deadline listed below as a batch and quarterly for processing.

October 1
January 1
April 1
July 1
QuarterlyTribal entitiesCalifornia Tribes, with or without federal recognition, that demonstrate Tribal leadership support are eligible for technical assistance grants.Market studies, feasibilities studies, and/or business plans which support Tribes in their pursuit of improved FAQs:

See Decision for FY 2024-25 at

Fact sheet:
See Eligible Services List at Purvis at or
email announcement at; webinar on Tuesday, July 23 starting at 2 PM EDT; Federal Register: Guide (Oct. 2, 2024):; Application Window announcement (Sept 17, 2024): Interested schools and libraries can apply for the pilot program by providing basic information about their cybersecurity needs, experience, and plans to use the funding if selected in Part 1 of the application. Then, selected pilot program participants will be required to provide more detailed information in Part 2 of the application to help the Commission determine whether and how to best use limited universal service funds to support the long-term cybersecurity needs of
schools and libraries.
FederalClosedBroadband Technical AssistanceU.S. Department of AgricultureRural Utilities ServiceThe Broadband Technical Assistance (BTA) program provides financial assistance through cooperative agreements to eligible entities to receive or deliver broadband technical assistance and training.Planning$25 million for FY 2024GrantsVaries by funding categoryNoN/AAnnually20-Aug-24For-profit companies, nonprofits, higher education, governments, tribal entitiesFederally recognized tribes and tribal entities; states or local governments, including any agency, subdivision, instrumentality, or political subdivision thereof; a territory or possession of the U.S.; an institution of higher education; nonprofit organizations with 501(c)(3) IRS status; cooperatives or mutual organizations; corporations; or Limited Liability Companies or Limited Liability Partnerships.Broadband technical assistance
activities that promote the expansion of
broadband into rural areas.
To submit questions to RUS staff regarding the BTA, please complete the form available at
Application Guide:
Federal Register announcement:

Fact sheet:
Consumers' monthly costs for phone and broadband service.25/3 MbpsFCC Telecommunications Access Policy Division: 202-418-7400 or LifelineProgram@usac.org budget announcement: For further information:;
FederalClosedCommunity Connect ProgramU.S. Department of AgricultureRural Utilities ServiceThe Community Connect Program provides financial assistance in the form of grants to eligible applicants that will provide, on a “community -oriented connectivity” basis, broadband service that fosters economic growth and delivers enhanced educational, health care, and public safety benefits.Deployment, Adoption$79 millionGrants$100,000 to $5 millionYes15%AnnuallyThe application window for the FY2025 round of funding will open on February 20, 2025 and close on April 21, 2025, 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time.For-profit companies, Tribal, Governments, nonprofitsIncorporated organizations, federally recognized Tribes, state or local units of government, cooperatives, and Limited Liability Companies organized on a for-profit or not-for-profit basis.Broadband infrastructure deployment to residents and businesses, construction of a community center (five percent of the grant can be used for this purpose), establishing a community center with computer access points. for FY2023: & Industry loan guarantees can be used for business conversion, enlargement, repair, modernization, or development; the purchase of land, buildings, equipment, supplies, or inventory; debt refinancing; and business acquisitions. Community Facilities loan guarantees can be used for facilities including healthcare, public safety, education, transportation, water infrastructure, renewable energy, community parks, and more.N/AContact the applicable state office: fee announcement:
2024 funding announcement:
FederalAnnualCommunity Development Block Grants (CDBG) ProgramU.S. Department of Housing and Urban DevelopmentThe Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program provides annual grants on a formula basis to states, cities, and counties to develop viable urban communities by providing decent housing and a suitable living environment, and by expanding economic opportunities, principally for low- and moderate-income persons. Infrastructure installation in new or substantially rehabilitated HUD-funded multifamily rental housing is required.DeploymentVaries annuallyGrantsVariesNoN/AApplication window in California opened on Oct. 22, 2024 and closed Dec. 30, 202430-Dec-24GovernmentsUrban "entitlement" jurisdictions, which are generally cities = or > 50,000 and counties = or > 200,000, receive funds based on a formula. Other jurisdictions, including most rural areas, can apply for and receive funds available to "non-entitlement" jurisdictions. Those grants are distributed by the State Small Cities CDBG programs.CDBG funds may be used for broadband and telecommunications projects, including such infrastructure improvements as the installation of wiring, fiber-optic cables, and distribution lines. Other eligible activities include digital literacy classes and economic development grants and loans to for-profit businesses, particularly businesses that focus on broadband internet access and HCD NOFA (August 30, 2024): projects include business incubators, community development assistance to nonprofits and public bodies for job creation and enhancement, facilities and equipment to train rural residents to facilitate economic development, facilities and equipment for medical care for rural residents, startup venture costs including equipment, business expansion, and technical assistance. Up to 10% of grant funds may be applied toward operating expenses of the Revolving Loan Fund. state from dropdown menu and click on Contacts tab: Economic Development Loan & Grant Program in California | Rural Development ( Economic Development Loan & Grant Program in California | Rural Development ( Register notice for 2024 (published September 14, 2023):
FederalAnnualCommunity Facilities Direct Loan & Grant ProgramU.S. Department of AgricultureRural Utilities ServiceThe Community Facilities Direct Loan & Grant Program provides affordable funding to develop essential community facilities in rural areas. An essential community facility is defined as a facility that provides an essential service to the local community for the orderly development of the community in a primarily rural area, and does not include private, commercial, or business undertakings.DeploymentVaries annuallyGrants, LoansThe maximum amount of a guaranteed loan is $100 millionYesVariableRolling applicationsRollingGovernments, nonprofits, tribal entitiesPublic bodies, community-based non-profit corporations, federally recognized tribes.The purchase, construction, and improvement of essential community facilities, the purchase of equipment, and related project expenses. Utility services such as telemedicine or distance learning equipment are considered essential community facilities.Contact the applicable state office: The term “facility” refers to both the physical structure financed and the resulting service.
Application expenses are not eligible.
Loans can be used to finance telecommunications in rural areas for improvements, expansions, construction, acquisitions, and refinancing.
25/3 MbpsFor questions about the Telecommunications Infrastructure Loan Program, please call the Loan Origination and Approval Division at (202) 720-0800. ( page:
FederalOpenDistance Learning and Telemedicine (DLT)U.S. Department of AgricultureRural Utilities ServiceDistance Learning and Telemedicine (DLT) provides financial assistance to enable and improve distance learning and telemedicine services in rural areas. DLT grant funds support the use of telecommunications-enabled information, audio and video equipment, and other technologies by students, teachers, medical professionals, and rural residents.Adoption, Utilization$40 millionGrants$50,000 to $1 millionYes15%Varies annually6-Mar-25For-profit companies, nonprofits, tribal entities, governmentsState and local government organizations, federally-recognized tribes, non-profit organizations, incorporated, for-profit businesses, groups of eligible entities working together.Audio, video, interactive video equipment; broadband facilities used for distance learning or telemedicine (up to a certain percentage); computer hardware, network components, and software; instructional programming; limited technical assistance and instruction on how to use distance learning and telemedicine equipment.For DLT questions, please contact:
General Field Representative: Robert Machado
Cell Phone: 202-934-0601 Register, Vol. 86, no. 61, notices (NOSA), p.17117:

( . . . notes Issued for Utility Infrastructure Purposes for Fiscal Year (FY) 2021, April 1, 2021.)
1) Digital Equity Planning Grant for a Digital Equity Plan; 2) To Support Digital inclusion 3) to make subgrants 4) Evaluation 5) Administrative costs and 6) Other permissible uses20 percent cap on DE plan updates; 5 percent cap on evaluation; 7.25 percent cap on planning grant; 3 percent cap on administrative costsN/
Native Entities one-pager:
FederalAnnualE-RateFederal Communications CommissionUniversal Service Administrative Company (USAC)The FCC's E-Rate program makes telecommunications and information services more affordable for schools and libraries by discounting telecommunications, internet access, and internal connections, including purchases of telecommunications equipment.Deployment, AdoptionDetermined annually, $4.940 billion cap for FY2024Subsidy20% to 90% discountN/AN/AAnnually26-Mar-25Education, tribal entities, governments, librariesEligible schools, school districts, libraries, and tribal libraries, or a consortium of such.Specific eligible costs are published each year, but generally include data transmission services, internet access, internal connections, managed internal broadband services, and basic maintenance of internal connections. On July 18, 2024, the FCC made hotspots eligible for E-Rate funding, see 203-8100 Public Notice:; funds may be used for broadband and telecommunications projects, including such infrastructure improvements as the installation of wiring, fiber-optic cables, and distribution lines. Other eligible activities include digital literacy classes and economic development grants and loans to for-profit businesses, particularly businesses that focus on broadband internet access and technology. N/ HCD NOFA (August 30, 2024):
FederalOpenLifelineFederal Communications CommissionUniversal Service Administrative Company (USAC)Lifeline provides a discount on phone and broadband service for qualifying low-income households to ensure that all Americans have the opportunities and security that those services bring, including being able to connect to jobs, family, and emergency services. The monthly discount is up to $9.25 toward phone or internet services for eligible subscribers (up to $34.25 for those living on Tribal lands).Adoption$2.78 billion for 2024SubsidyMonthly benefit of up to $9.25 towards phone or internet services for eligible subscribers (up to $34.25 for those living on Tribal lands).N/AN/ARolling/OngoingRollingFor-profit companiesProviders of voice and broadband service, either wireless or wireline, designated as "eligible telecommunications carriers."Consumers' monthly costs for phone and broadband service.FCC Telecommunications Access Policy Division: 202-418-7400 or LifelineProgram@usac.org budget announcement:

For further information:;
Eligible costs include modernizing buildings to support broadband internet and installing or upgrading broadband infrastructure—cables, fiber optics, or wiring, including in individual units—and purchasing and installing such equipment as directional antennae, satellite/cellular receivers, Wi-Fi extenders, routers, hotspots, and modems. N/ADavid Fleischman, the Director of the Office of Capital Improvements, can be reached at: (202) 402-2071. funding increased the Capital Fund and expanded its uses related to the internet.

Main page:
Award letter May 6, 2024:
FederalOpenOneRD Guarantee Loan InitiativeU.S. Department of AgricultureRural DevelopmentThe OneRD Guarantee Loan Initiative is designed to remove unnecessary regulations to increase private investment and to improve customer service through four flagship loan guarantee programs for rural businesses and essential community facilities.Deployment, UtilizationBusiness & Industry Guaranteed Loan Program 3% & 1%: $1,803,167,652
Rural Energy for America Guaranteed Loan Program: $1,050,000,000
Community Facilities Guaranteed Loan Program: $197,080,000
Guaranteed Loan Program for Water and Waste Disposal: $50,000,000
Loan GuaranteesVaries per award typeNoN/A, but the program charges feesRolling applicationsRollingFor-profit companies, nonprofits, tribal entities, governmentsFederal and state-chartered banks, savings and loans, farm credit banks, and credit unions may apply for loan guarantees. Entities eligible to quality for Business & Industry guarantees are for-profit and non-profit businesses, cooperatives, federally recognized tribes, public bodies, and individuals. Entities eligible to qualify for Community Facilities loan guarantees are public bodies, Indian tribes, and non-profits.Business & Industry loan guarantees can be used for business conversion, enlargement, repair, modernization, or development; the purchase of land, buildings, equipment, supplies, or inventory; debt refinancing; and business acquisitions. Community Facilities loan guarantees can be used for facilities including healthcare, public safety, education, transportation, water infrastructure, renewable energy, community parks, and more.Contact the applicable state office: fee announcement:

2024 funding announcement:
Eligible costs include providing computer internet services, including computer labs, to residents of public housing in their units and in common areas. Other eligible costs include the maintenance of PHA-purchased broadband equipment and wiring; Wi-Fi network equipment; satellite/cellular receivers; and in-unit routers, hotspots, and modems. N/AREAC - Technical Assistance Center 1-888-245-4860 REAC_TAX@hud.gov N/ACOVID-19 funding increased the Capital Fund and expanded its uses related to the internet.

Main page:
FY2024 Schedule:
Shortfall funding notice May 9, 2024:
FederalAnnualPIH Capital FundU.S. Department of Housing and Urban DevelopmentPublic and Indian HousingThe PIH Capital Fund program provides grant funds to PHAs (Public Housing Authorities) annually via a formula. For computer internet connectivity, PHAs have used Capital Funds to update buildings to support broadband internet and Wi-Fi. It covers installing and upgrading broadband infrastructure; purchasing and installing Wi-Fi extenders, routers, etc.Deployment$3.17 billionGrantsN/ANoN/AApplicants should contact their public housing agency for information.N/AGovernmentsPublic Housing AgenciesEligible costs include modernizing buildings to support broadband internet and installing or upgrading broadband infrastructure—cables, fiber optics, or wiring, including in individual units—and purchasing and installing such equipment as directional antennae, satellite/cellular receivers, Wi-Fi extenders, routers, hotspots, and modems.David Fleischman, the Director of the Office of Capital Improvements, can be reached at: (202) 402-2071. funding increased the Capital Fund and expanded its uses related to the internet.

Main page:

Award letter May 6, 2024:
CDBG loan funds may be used to for broadband and telecommunications projects, including such infrastructure improvements as the installation of wiring, fiber-optic cables, and distribution lines. Other eligible activities include digital literacy classes and economic development grants and loans to for-profit businesses, particularly businesses that focus on broadband internet access and technology.N/Asection108@hud.gov Availability of Section 108 Financing:
FederalAnnualPIH Operating FundU.S. Department of Housing and Urban DevelopmentPublic and Indian HousingThe PIH Operating Fund helps PHAs (Public Housing Authorities) to provide computer internet services to residents of public housing both in their units and in common areas. HUD has allowed PHAs to use Operating Funds to cover costs of computer internet service for computer labs and for PHA operation and management.Adoption$4.5 billionGrantsN/ANoN/AApplicants should contact their public housing agency for information.N/AGovernmentsPublic housing agencies.Eligible costs include providing computer internet services, including computer labs, to residents of public housing in their units and in common areas. Other eligible costs include the maintenance of PHA-purchased broadband equipment and wiring; Wi-Fi network equipment; satellite/cellular receivers; and in-unit routers, hotspots, and modems.REAC - Technical Assistance Center 1-888-245-4860 REAC_TAX@hud.gov funding increased the Capital Fund and expanded its uses related to the internet.

Main page:
FY2024 Schedule:
Shortfall funding notice May 9, 2024:
FederalClosedReConnectU.S. Department of AgricultureRural Utilities ServiceReConnect furnishes loans, grants, and loan/grant combinations to provide funds for the costs of construction, improvement, or acquisition of facilities and equipment needed to provide broadband service in eligible rural areas.Deployment• 100% Grant (for Alaska Native Corporations, Tribal Governments, Colonias, Persistent Poverty Areas and Socially Vulnerable Communities): Up to $350 million available, maximum award amount is $35 million
• 100% Loan: Up to $150 million available, maximum award amount is $50 million (with an interest rate set at a fixed 2%)
• Combo: Up to $300 million available, maximum award amount is $25 million for the loan and $25 million for the grant (interest rate set at US Treasury Rate)
• 100% Grant: Up to $150 million available, maximum award amount is $35 million (25% match required)
• 100% Grant (Projects serving areas where 90% of households lack sufficient access to broadband): Up to $200 million available, maximum award amount is $25 million
Grants, LoansPrior maximum amounts: for 100% grants $25 million, for 100% grants to Tribal Governments or Socially Vulnerable Communities $35 million, for grant-loan combinations $50 million, for 100% loans $50 million
Varies by Program ProductVariableVaries annually28-May-24For-profit companies, nonprofits, governments, tribal entitiesCooperatives; nonprofits; mutual associations; state and local governments and their subdivisions; a territory or possession of the U.S.; federally recognized tribes.Award funds can be used to fund the construction or improvement of broadband facilities, the acquisition of an existing system (up to 40 percent of the total requested award), and reasonable pre-application expenses (up to five percent of the total requested award).Laurel Leverrier, Assistant Administrator, Telecommunications Program, Rural Utilities Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), email, telephone: (202) 720-9554. Program Guide:

Program Fact Sheet:
Program website: Application Portal: eAuthentication (
FederalOpenRural Business Development Grants ProgramU.S. Department of AgricultureRural Utilities ServiceThe Rural Business Development Grants Program provides technical assistance and training for small rural businesses. Small means that the business has fewer than 50 new workers and less than $1 million in gross revenue.Adoption, Utilization$37 millionGrantsNo minimum or maximum, but generally range between $10,000 and $500,000NoN/AFebruary 28, 2024 by 4:30 pm local time.28-Feb-25Governments, for-profit companies, education, tribal entitiesRural, public entities, including: towns, state agencies, nonprofit corporations, institutions of higher education, federally-recognized tribes, and cooperatives.Eligible costs include but are not limited to training and technical assistance; construction, conversion, and renovation of buildings; distance learning for job training/advancement; feasibility studies and business plans; leadership training; business incubators; and strategic planning.Contact your local office. eligibility for Tribes:;

Federal Register Notice:
FederalRollingRural Economic Development Loan and Grant Programs (REDLG)U.S. Department of AgricultureRural Utilities ServiceThe Rural Economic Development Loan and Grant programs (REDLG) provide funding for rural projects to promote rural economic development and job creation through local utility organizations. USDA provides zero-interest loans to local utilities which they, in turn, pass through to local businesses (ultimate recipients) for projects that will create and retain employment in rural areas.Deployment, UtilizationApproximately $90 millionGrants, LoansUp to $300,000 in grants to establish Revolving Loan Funds; up to $2 million in loansYes20%Quarterly funding competitions; First Quarter, September 30, 2023;
Second Quarter, December 31, 2023;
Third Quarter, March 31, 2024; and
Fourth Quarter, June 30, 2024.
31-Mar-25Nonprofits, for-profit companiesA former Rural Utilities Service borrower who borrowed, repaid, or pre-paid an insured, direct, or guaranteed loan under the Rural Electrification Act; nonprofit utilities that are eligible to receive assistance from the Rural Development Electric or Telecommunications Programs; current Rural Development Electric or Telecommunications Programs borrowers.Eligible projects include business incubators, community development assistance to nonprofits and public bodies for job creation and enhancement, facilities and equipment to train rural residents to facilitate economic development, facilities and equipment for medical care for rural residents, startup venture costs including equipment, business expansion, and technical assistance. Up to 10% of grant funds may be applied toward operating expenses of the Revolving Loan Fund.Choose state from dropdown menu and click on Contacts tab: Register notice for 2024 (published September 14, 2023):
FederalAnnualRural Health Care Program - Healthcare Connect FundFederal Communications CommissionUniversal Service Administrative Company (USAC)The Healthcare Connect Fund (HCF) Program provides a 65% discount on eligible broadband connectivity expenses for eligible rural healthcare providers (HCP).Deployment, AdoptionThe Rural Health Care (RHC) program funding cap for funding year (FY) 2024 is $706,926,603. The internal cap for upfront payments and multi-year commitments under the Healthcare Connect Fund (HCF) Program is $178,496,95Subsidy65% discount on eligible expensesNoN/AAnnually1-Apr-25Nonprofits, healthcare entitiesNon-profit or public entities located in rural areas that are one of the following types of facilities: teaching hospitals, medical schools, local health departments and agencies, community mental health centers, nonprofit hospitals, rural health clinics, skilled nursing facilities, healthcare provider consortiums.Broadband services, network equipment, and healthcare provider constructed and owned networks.800-453-1546, rhc-assist@usac.org 8 2024:;

Deadlines:; FCC granting 30 day extension where a waiver request was filed within 30 days of the deadline:
FederalAnnualRural Health Care Program - Telecommunications ProgramFederal Communications CommissionUniversal Service Administrative Company (USAC)The Telecommunications (Telecom) Program provides reduced rates to rural health care providers (HCPs) for telecommunications and voice services for the use of telemedicine and telehealth. Eligible services are discounted at the difference in cost between urban and rural areas in the state.AdoptionThe Rural Health Care (RHC) program funding cap for funding year (FY) 2024 is $706,926,603. The internal cap for upfront payments and multi-year commitments under the Healthcare Connect Fund (HCF) Program is $178,496,95SubsidyDetermined based on the differential between urban and rural pricingNoN/AAnnually1-Apr-25Nonprofits, healthcare entitiesNon-profit or public entities located in rural areas that are one of the following types of facilities: teaching hospitals, medical schools, local health departments and agencies, community mental health centers, nonprofit hospitals, rural health clinics, skilled nursing facilities, healthcare provider consortiums.Telecommunications services.800-453-1546, rhc-assist@usac.org March 8, 2023, the FCC released FCC Order DA 23-189, extending the deadline for the FY2023 Application Filing Window to May 1, 2023:

On June 14, 2024, the FCC issued a public notice confirming the unused $161.57 million in funding from FY2023 will carry forward to FY2024:

Information for FY2024 RHC Program Applicants:
FederalOpenSection 108 Loan Guarantee ProgramU.S. Department of Housing and Urban DevelopmentThe Section 108 Loan Guarantee Program provides Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) recipients with the ability to leverage their annual grant allocation to access low-cost, flexible financing for economic development, housing, public facility, and infrastructure projects.Deployment, Adoption, Utilization$319.5 million + $50,000 for the Republic of the Marshall IslandsLoans5x CDBG entitlement amountNoN/ARolling applicationsRollingGovernmentsEligible applicants include the following public entities: States; metropolitan cities and urban counties that are CDBG entitlement recipients; and certain non-entitlement communities. Although community organizations cannot apply directly, local grantees may fund community activities.CDBG loan funds may be used to for broadband and telecommunications projects, including such infrastructure improvements as the installation of wiring, fiber-optic cables, and distribution lines. Other eligible activities include digital literacy classes and economic development grants and loans to for-profit businesses, particularly businesses that focus on broadband internet access and technology.section108@hud.gov Availability of Section 108 Financing:
FederalOpenState Digital Equity Capacity and Planning Grant Program: Native EntitiesU.S. Department of CommerceNational Telecommunications and Information AdministrationThe State Digital Equity Capacity and Planning Grant Program: Native Entities will provide funding for Native Entities to conduct digital equity planning and carry out digital equity and inclusion activities consistent with the Digital Equity Act.Digital Equity$45,300,000Grants$500,000 - $2,000,000NoNoOne-time grant7-Feb-25Tribal entitiesIndian Tribes, Alaska Native entities, and Native Hawaiian organizations (“Native Entities”). Given the high demand for funding under this Program, NTIA will allow only one application from each Native Entity. NTIA encourages coordination and collaboration in achieving digital equity through the submission of an application on behalf of a consortium of multiple Native Entities (each of which must be eligible) in the most cost-effective manner.1) Digital Equity Planning Grant for a Digital Equity Plan; 2) To Support Digital inclusion 3) to make subgrants 4) Evaluation 5) Administrative costs and 6) Other permissible

Native Entities one-pager:

FederalOpenTelecommunications Infrastructure Loans and Loan Guarantees ProgramU.S. Department of AgricultureRural Utilities ServiceThe Telecommunications Infrastructure Loans and Loan Guarantees Program provides financing for the construction, maintenance, improvement, and expansion of telephone service and broadband in rural areas.DeploymentDependent on funding typeLoans, Loan Guarantees$50,000 minimumNoN/ARollingRollingFor-profit companies, nonprofits, tribal entities, governmentsState and local governmental entities; federally recognized tribes; non-profits, including cooperatives, limited dividend or mutual associations; for-profit businesses (must be a corporation or limited liability company).Application expenses are not eligible.
Loans can be used to finance telecommunications in rural areas for improvements, expansions, construction, acquisitions, and refinancing.
For questions about the Telecommunications Infrastructure Loan Program, please call the Loan Origination and Approval Division at (202) 720-0800. page: