California Digital Equity Program (CalDEP)

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Program Overview

The California Digital Equity Program (CalDEP) builds upon the existing work accomplished by the Broadband for All Initiative, California’s commitment to closing the digital divide. CalDEP provides subgrants to Eligible Entities to support the achievement of goals and measurable objectives of California’s State Digital Equity Plan (SDEP). CalDEP will help members of Covered Populations overcome digital equity barriers and will support digital inclusion and outcomes related to education, healthcare, career development, and access to essential government benefit programs.

CalDEP is funded through the California Department of Technology’s State Digital Equity Capacity Grant from the National Telecommunications and Information Administration and will be awarded to selected applicants in the form of subgrants.

Below are helpful materials and links to reference as you develop and submit your application. We will continue adding materials, so bookmark this page and check back frequently for updates.

Eligible Applicants

Both Lead Applicants and second-tier subgrantees for CalDEP must be located and operate in the State of California and have an active Unique Entity ID (UEI) number assigned by Lead Applicants and second-tier subgrantees must come from the following Eligible Entity categories:

  • A local political subdivision, agency, or instrumentality of the State of California.   
  • An Indian Tribe or a Native Hawaiian organization.  
  • A foundation, corporation, institution, or association that is:  
    • a not-for-profit entity; and   
    • not a school.  
  • A community anchor institution.   
  • A local educational agency.   
  • An entity that carries out a workforce development program.   
  • A partnership between any of the entities listed above.  
  • A Regional Broadband Consortia (as long as they or their fiscal agents belong to an Eligible Entity category as listed above and have an active UEI). 

Funding Tracks and Description

Funding TrackProgram Description
Track 1:  
Regional/Local Ecosystems 
Subgrants to (1) develop and refine regional and local digital equity plans, and (2) provide capacity to implement digital equity activities directly or through second-tier subgrants to local Eligible Entities.
Track 2:  
Targeted Statewide Ecosystems 
Subgrants to support ecosystem development, planning, and innovation for a specific State Outcome Area or Covered Population which may be served more effectively in statewide, rather than regional or local, ecosystems.

Get Ready Resources

Get tips on how to prepare for the upcoming funding opportunity. More resources will be provided once they are available.

Get OrganizedIdentify Partners and Build CoalitionsResearch and Assessment
  • Create or verify an active registration and Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) number
  • Apply for or confirm Employer Identification Number (EIN)
  • Complete your Federal / State audit
  • Sign Up for Broadband for All email updates here
  • Bookmark Broadband for All Portal for when application portal opens
  • Assess opportunities and priorities in your communities and where your organization provides the best expertise in your local or statewide digital equity ecosystem
  • Determine which Funding Track is best suited to your organization / project 
  • Submit your organization information to the Partnership Coordination Resource
  • Identify if your region has an existing Digital Equity Plan
  • Conduct market research to identify potential contractors and vendors 
  • Review the State Digital Equity Plan 

Partnership Coordination Resource

The Partnership Coordination Resource is an optional page that applicants may use to identify other organizations they might wish to partner with on an application. Organizations can be included in the Partnership Coordination Resource by submitting their information via this form.

Note that information submitted for inclusion in the Partnership Coordination Resource will be made publicly available for 120 days and does not obligate or guarantee a partnership between entities. Participation is completely optional. Submitting information to the Partnership Coordination Resource, and the contents of the information submitted, have no effect on an application.

Additional Resources

State Digital Equity Plan

California Digital Equity Capacity Subgrant Program Draft Guidelines (For Public Comment between 9/30/24 through 10/29/24)